Asmongold plays a new early access open world survival crafting mmorpg Hades 2
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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game sucks compared to the first one and to many woke people worked on it for my liking…..
that's a good run
trying to watch this but i cant the music volume is louder then his game volume and voice voulume ? is this a edit bug or his he actually playing with music on and 100% ???
honestly props fo him for playing how he did, i thought i did worse
"idk why they made the main character a girl" oh it's one of those videos. Jfc
"She looks like she works at kotaku"
LMAO 😂I'm fuckin dead😂
This game plays so good on a controller I don't know why PC players like this guy don't know how to alternate off KB+M.
I'm surprised this game didn't change his life
So I tried hades 2 and it changed my life
I love this game one problem i had is how harder it is to make a decent build because how many resources i need to get so i more focused to get them instead of boons.
"So i tried The Rain, Formerly Known as Purple"
i already have like 50 hours in this game. it fucking slaps. chronos is a god tier boss, literally
he's going to go from "this game changed my life" to "this game transitioned me"
First game was great. Gonna wait for full release for Hades II but sure does look amazing already.
they made a “click to win” part 2 with fat black greek gods. i ll pass on that. hades 1 was enough, 120hours of clicking.
Lmfao “how did that hit me?! 😡 😤” literally runs right into it
The boss fights in this game look sooo creative and fun! The Siren metal band looked so fun and the song was actually kind of dope.
The comment about “are there men in this game” is funny but kind of lame this looks so dope and the characters are really interesting especially the character designs.
Woke game?
❤ It looks like a direct sequel to Hades 1 which is exactly what I wanted to play. I still play Hades 1 on Switch. Can’t wait
GAME OF THE YEAR no question!
Sadly at this point the game lacks great boons and builds and the weapons are not satisfying at all compared to the first game. I hope they listen to the community and make hades great again
Cool art design
The thing I really didn’t like about the first one once u die u go back to beginning and restart from scratch
Yeah, we all know that the greek people and their gods are black, cause they live near africa.