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Want more modded Gods? Here we are checking out Hestia for the first time:
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Hera sounds an awful lot like Marge Simpson
I’m too early
legit was watching the other mods videos yesterday they’re so good
Insert broken marriage joke here
I've found that the best way to use Hestia(the boons, not the aspect) is with something like Aspect of Rama along with the boon that makes enemies leave behind lava pools.
Eventually you're pulling all of the enemies into one spot, which is directly on top of a giant lava pile.
re: the gods and Hades 2, Hephaestus is one of the twelve Olympians, so he definitely should count! the ones we're missing in H1 are him, Apollo, and Hera. if I were to guess, I'd say they'll probably have Hephaestus serve a similar role to Daedalus hammers, since smithing is his domain. it will be interesting to see regardless. fwiw there are conflicting historical accounts on whether Hestia or Dionusys are the last of the twelve olympians, but since we already have Dio confirmed as one, that should exclude Hestia.
Of course Hera would support Zagreus, his father isn't Zeus
I dont know why I don't see anyone doing this but at the end of a Thanatos chamber you can open the codex to let Thanatos do his thing and leave all while pasuing the timer
I've been playing Olympus Extra recently, can't believe I have another god to have fun with so soon
I wonder if Hestia's Homecoming boon (Death Defiance gives you max health) works with stubborn defiance? If so that could make for a very interesting max health run
Meg doing 5k damage is insane 😮that duo is crazy
Not the bonuses missing from the cast every time 😂
To be honest I would rather wait for the official Hera, Hestia, Apollo, etc in the new game, and have the Haelian mod….. can someone please make it happen
That friend duo is nuts lol guaranteed boosts AND you maybe get a choice at the end of each area lol
There's no chance Hades 2 will cost $20-25. They're running a business. They can and hence will (and if you ask me should) charge $40 minimum
Hera's aid is just a theseus cosplay
I think the mark duo boon is either glitched or totally busted in power. My suspicion is that it’s supposed to wear off against bosses after 5 seconds, rather than being constantly reapplied.
With Curse Slash you don't have to charge up nor are you locked into a position like with Guan Yu. I think Guan Yu would be better is it was health return on kill no matter the attack so long as it came from the spear and the percentage was higher. It would make it a great boss option and a great work around for lasting consequences.
I gotta know, what is that Italian energy countdown?
5k Meg hit was wild
Hate to ask a noon question, but just picked the game up a month ago and learning a lot during the process. Is it possible to get these boons off of a switch dlc or just for pc?
Not vibing with Hera at all. I hope there is a way you can get rid of individual gods from the mod without having to delete the whole thing.
Yes, I would watch more. Looks fun.
Hera's voice acting gets a like.
Just like Dan Supergiant give and give and they give. It's a fair price
would be cool to see a more optimized curse build, i do love me some priviledged status!
I'm looking forward to seeing these modded gods in your one true god runs!
Envy on CHIRON!!?!
love the mod! however I will personally defend Hera, as she has a beautiful voice, unlike the witch one you gave her. sorry shes my favorite goddess and i will lay down my life for her
i’m from the future, and hades 2 did not, in fact, come out on september 7th 🙁
LOL the Hera voice. Please stop (don’t stop).
the desire sensor do be real