#raidshadowlegends #plarium #raidrpg
The Greatest Video Hell Hades Ever Released I Raid Shadow Legends
Wanna Learn More About Raid Shadow Legends? Check out these playlists and videos to Expand your knowledge of the game:
RAID EXPLAINED IN 10 MINUTES ► https://tinyurl.com/y4l3w5ra
SKILL UP GUIDE FOR EVERY CHAMPION ► https://tinyurl.com/y3g6uqab
KNOWING WHO TO 6 STAR ► https://tinyurl.com/y4qfxc58
CHAMPION SPOTLIGHTS ► https://ytube.io/3LGe
HYDRA CLAN BOSS GUIDES ► https://tinyurl.com/yyplxftb
CLAN BOSS GUIDES ► https://ytube.io/3LGf
DUNGEONS GUIDES ► https://ytube.io/3LGh
ARENA GUIDES ► https://ytube.io/3LGd
Selling Artifacts ► https://tinyurl.com/y2eto4sy
Selling Accessories ► https://tinyurl.com/y33hylyo
Maximize your Artifact Space with These Simple Rules ► https://tinyurl.com/y37xaoga
Knowing What Gear Sets to KEEP or SELL (Early-EndGame) ► https://tinyurl.com/y3t27m7x
My BIGGEST Tip on Saving the Right Artifacts ► https://tinyurl.com/y63vwhwd
Atrifact Knowledge you NEED! Artifact Guide ► https://tinyurl.com/y6k929f9
How Ignore Defense Works in Raid Shadow Legends ► https://tinyurl.com/yxkhg8av
The Biggest Survivability Mistake Being Made in Raid Shadow Legends ► https://tinyurl.com/yxurtsxk
Ally Protection MAJOR Discovery ► https://tinyurl.com/y3rjed9h
How To Arena for Beginner and Advanced Players ► https://tinyurl.com/yyq5chgp
TWITCH ►►https://amz.run/4T2U
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Summoners Glory Login Guide: https://ytube.io/3K5B
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Raid shadow legends on pc youtube Plarium shadow legends raid murderinc
A touchy subject for many but an important one for sure. If you live under a rock and haven't seen HH video check it out here : https://youtu.be/o0rsuaDl1JI?si=mhLc3aFLCAvgv11Z .
As mentioned in the video I'd be lying if I said I had a way to help anyone who goes overboard but maybe some solace can be found in the comment section. Thanks for watching!
nice vikings haircut…❤
You’re an og in raid , if I’m not mistaken you had like the first 100m clan boss team. Raid is a different game now but still amazing imo!
I feel like content creators should focus more on how to do your best with the champs you have instead of focusing on how great or terrible specific champs are, and drumming up the desire to get the best of the best.
When the “hack” came out that showed how much you spent on the game it made me sick. I haven’t spent since. No surprise that they fixed that right up
The only way is to start over. And go F2P. The real endgame.
Every time I watch a shard pull video I tend to spend and then I get p'd off cause I get all blues lol😅
And the way I've spent less is by getting my clan boss team sorted to 1 key top chests on nm and unm so I can get the rewards but I still spend a bit I can't help it 😅
Your honesty is wonderful, thank you.
Saw a random vid of you 3 years ago when I started, about chasing the advanced quests. You said: "I cant be bothered. For what. A Harrier ? A legendary that's not going to change my account ?" Made me stop and think, and had a direct impact on my understanding what the game was doing to me. Thank you for that sir. Your honesty has always been appreciated.
Haven't spent since my first 2 months, the money spent is never worth it in this game specially
I have an obsessive/ compulsive personality. Ive spent more on games over the years than i care to admit. Especially ones with big as a clan content.
On the topic of shard pull vids. I can attest to watchin them making someone want to pull. Many times since ive decided not to spend anything ill have shards saved decide not to pull for an event. Then watch a video and go right into game to pull my shards. Doesnt make much difference since im not buying any but the affect is still there.
Very well said. Game gambling is real and can be challenging for many to stop. Shard-pulling videos does get the viewers’ dopamine up to pull the same too. Thank you for getting the message out there.
Hopefully Raid doesn't flag down your video 😂
Plarium is largely to blame. Their business model is based around making the large majority of their profit on a very small portion of their players through the addictive means you described. They then market towards kids and young adults. How they've avoided regulation is beyond me.
There is such thing as business ethics. Nothing wrong with trying to make money, but designing your business model to only be substainable when players go overboard is unethical.
The alternative is reducing the cost of everything, providing much more value to players that spend, but put a hard cap on the amount any player can spend. This not only creates a more enjoyable game experience for literally the entire community and extends the longevity of the game, but it avoids the unethical and predatory business model they currently operate under. Its a very simple math problem. Encourage the majority of your player base to spend a small amount vs a very small percentage spending a ludicrous amount. Obviously the latter nets more, but at what cost?
I have an addictive personality for games. It’s really hard for me to break away especially with play many games. I even went overboard on Twitch even too. It’s crazy how quickly you can stay in and not realize how much one spends. So I’ve just set myself a limit and have to mentally review over and over if something is worth getting. I also try to plan in advance. It helps me a ton. ❤
luckily I googled Plarium very early into game to find that they literally are owned and run by big online gambling company registered in third World country hence unacountable to any western laws. So all Plarium management comes from gambling world and they use in game all the dirtiest tricks of that world to turn players into gambling addicts.
I’ve always got the vibe that you were low-key, hating on Hades throwing small shots in the past about making views off just news or shard pull videos, etc. but maybe that’s just me🤷🏾♂️
Ran out of groceries many months. Im on Disability support and cant do alot but play. I call it the Raid diet.
Major respect for your stance on shard pulls video despite the obvious self benifit. Gonna support you for sure.
Raid is a gambling "game" PERIOD
In the beginning let's say the first two years of the game watching shard pulls were really fun. Especially during a live stream or something because everyone was so excited to see new champions. Now I feel like most people could care less if you did a 500 sacred shard pull.
You have been addicted to slot machines, since you started playing and paying for this game. Raid is one giant slot simulator and when it inevitably dies, Plarium will release their next slot machine simulator.
Thanks, man. That is all.
It's sad seeing RSL going where it's going.
Gambling is no joke. I hate casinos. I've watched a guy lose 20k in one hand. His wife divorced him after that.
It really is a problem for some people. I guess it's FOMO for some, or it's even an addiction for others. Plarium doesn't help the matter, as their model encourages spending. Not everyone has self control over the chance at a dopamine hit. 🙂
I should have added: I have no advice, as I can't relate to this mindset. I buy PC games that I like, but for mobile games I spend absolutely nothing. Good luck!
these games take advantage of the gambling issue people can have
It was a hard video to watch . I know I have the problem, I also think it’s a problem that I feel I have to spend as well
I have a whale account and my spending was unreal on that account. i decided not to play that account anymore, about 2 years ago. I started a F2P account and i have been playing it for 2 years. I enjoy playing my F2P account much more. I have been able to build my F2P account up to a decent level. I admit putting my wallet up was hard. Slowly over time i have learned how to play this game without the pay to win thinking.
Be real. Be you. Do not succumb to anyone. New subs. ❤
I bought the new 50 dollar prism pack thinking I would get at least 1 cool champ on release day. Got all rares so I bought a second pack and got geomancer. All the while hearing another YouTuber say it's not worth it. Really wish I had not done that $100 for an epic imo is disgusting. Thanks for the video. Love your work.
Excellent video, and thank you for your story and point of view.
Appreciate your taking on this topic, Murder. Been watching your stuff since the start, and I’ve always valued the opinions you bring to the game, even if they get controversial or I happen to disagree with them. The fact that you’re even willing to post unpopular opinions because you feel they are genuinely true goes a long way in building respect.
To anyone else struggling with self-control in Raid, I can’t recommend enough creating a budget for your finances. Once all your needs are accounted for, the rest goes into savings, emergency funds, giving, whatever — and a small chunk for weekly “fun money.” My wife and I get $15/week that we can spend on anything we want to — Starbucks, movies, snacks, Raid, etc. If I want to save up that allowance and buy a $100 shard pack, I totally can. But the reality check of waiting 6-7 weeks to afford that pack might give me pause. I might still go for it, or I might decide to spend that on some cigars or a fancy date-night dinner. If nothing else, that hard timeline gives me a chance to come down from any dopamine rush that might otherwise cause me to spend more than I’d really want to on a bunch of addicting pixels.
I've probably got one of the strongest f2p accounts going, because I've managed to tame myself with spending (4 years coming november)
I didn't have to tame myself per say, it's already something I have complete control over.
I know that feeling of getting a new champion or whatever is only temporary.
Its just not IN ME to want to spend to experience a few minutes of joy, in a game I know will eventually mean nothing to me.
Just like all my unique/retied items/mounts etc in WoW or Runescape. I still own them, but they mean nothing, and nobody cares.
Also, Plarium are disgusting company who don't deserve my hard-earned money. They will have to wipe their ass with other peoples' money.
Like number 777
I know the feeling. When Kymar had the first 10x, I bought way too many shards and pulled for him. Did I pull him? Yes. Was it really worth it? Thats really debatable. I have since drastically cut back on my spending on this game. Yes, I get the Dopamine from pulling good champs, but I have started the hoard phase and wait with all my resources. It can be really bad if you don't know you personality and the deep hole you can get into for gambling. I have watched a streamer who gambles for his "job" if you want to call it that. I have seen them win millions and lose tens of millions (USD). I never want to be in that type of situation where I am fiending for the next big win and set limits for myself. I think of it this way, would my wife get upset if I spent this money? The answer is usually no, BUT I also ask myself even before I ask the previous question "What can I do with that money to help better our situation?" When gambling, and thats what RAID is built on, you have to expect to never see that money again and assume you are taking away from something else you could be doing. Disclaimer*** I do not look down on anyone who enjoys gambling or how they use their money "responsibly". DO NOT let yourself get in a hole for a few minutes of pleasure.