I hate Hephaestus boons. However, in this video, I forced myself to play Hades 2 only using Hephaestus boons. I used the boons in the complete wrong way(NO WAY theyre supposed to be a main damage source), and did I come out on top? Only one way to see!
#hades2 #hades #gaming
hades 2
i love level 15 volcanic strike
The thing about hephaestus attack/special is that unlike how most skills get less and less benefit from each level after the first, while hephaestus' consistent 1 second cooldown reduction per pom actually increases in value as your total cooldown grows lower and lower. (each rarity point is also 2 bonus seconds off the cooldown, so a heroic blast-strike starts at 6, which is where you leave it if you wanna maximize vent value)
As for playstyle, i would agree that the axe is good for the hit-and-run focused playstyle his boons encourage, but you could also use hephy alongside something that will leave you focused on a single attack/special focus (for example, make regular axe special do damage occasionally, or empower the occasional dash-attack one would utilise alongside dagger/staff special spam).
Good video, proper hypothesis and payoff and all that.
Haphestus attack works pretty well in tandem with artemis daggers omega attack i find.