The most broken Hades build I've ever seen

I had to start recording near the end of my run because I couldn’t believe what was happening. I got really lucky with some boons in the first area and then it just snowballed.


8 thoughts on “The most broken Hades build I've ever seen”

  1. Reminds me of a 15 heat run I had that I was so fed up with due to my RNG so I just said screw it and pumped all my poms into Blade Dash.
    Not only did I get vicious cycle, black metal, greatest reflex, and engulfing vortex but I basically beat Hades by just exclusively dashing.

    The run ended with a level 6 Heroic Blade Dash and literally no boons on my attack, special, cast, or call.

  2. Fun Fact! When hades does the spinning fire beams, you can actually stand inside of his hitbox and not be hit by it, if your weapon allows you to strike without moving your character you can do easy safe damage during the entire beam spin, would not recommend with things that move your character heavily.

  3. You will get runs with multiple duos. Be sure to use the boon lists in the menu during a run and see which boons can trigger the appearance of certain other boons or duos. And also focus on leveling up the mirror of night so that you can increase your chances for better drops/get more rerolls.

    Expecting to see some crazy 20+ heat runs on the channel soon.


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