The Nephilim, Hades, and Other Oddments | Doug Wilson

In this episode of Blog & Mablog, Pastor Doug Wilson discusses biblical cosmology, the Nephilim, hades, and other oddments.

Enjoying this video? Check out Doug’s book “Mere Fundamentalism” today!

Blog and Mablog is presented by Canon Press.


20 thoughts on “The Nephilim, Hades, and Other Oddments | Doug Wilson”

  1. Since you mentioned not being ashamed of the Bible's teaching, I'll come out and say this:

    I believe the earth is shaped flat, and I believe that Scripture teaches such.

    You say, Doug, that "We should not dispense with what we have learned through modern cosmology". I ask you, from whom have we "learned" anything cosmologically? Do we not merely believe in a heliocentric model of the earth, spinning endlessly in an infinite abyss of nothingness, merely because we have been told to believe it ?

    Something to consider. Regardless, I appreciate your work, Doug. Keep it up.

  2. I wish Doug would get woke on the issue of biblical flat earth. I think a lot of things will fall into place for him once he realises the bible was faithful when describing to us the nature of the earth and cosmos we live in.

  3. "As it was in the days of Noah" a piece of one of the signs by Jesus. This jigsaw message is now being made known (genesys 6 experiment )… what would be interesting is for someone to start a log of evidences that demonstrate how far man has gone in corrupting his seed (genetics). Pretty sure it would read like a Hollywood science fiction movie !! Covid has also highlighted another foreshadowing of events and issues… and there are more events as described by Jesus that are happening. We are certainly marching towards the end of times… God bless !

  4. A lot of talk about coming judgement when I think life…everyday…is precarious enough to pass as living judgement. When has human not followed their primordial instinct of gratifying the desires God made them with? It has always been this way and of course it has consequences from time to time (cause and effect) or some things, or all things eventually will be come infinite.
    There is nothing new. Butter two decades, we all get used to what we screamed about the decade before. Now we all unlike our phones using our finger prints.
    I wish conservatives will make some progress in safe, and sanctified tech and not always simply scream WOLF about the the latest trial and error (our only means of breaking new grounds).

  5. I've known about the Nephilim since I was a little kid.

    This 12-minute talk has moved me from casual skeptic to firm believer…


    This is the best biblical reasoning I've ever seen by far.

  6. Thanks for saying it. Several "it's". The Word is plain on this subject. To titter and dodge the clear meaning, out of some worldly sense of embarrassment, must surely offend The Lord. Offend, but not surprise. It is weak. Sethites. Pphhhhttt. So sad.

  7. Domine Jesu Christe, rex gloriae,
    libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de poenis inferni et de profundo lacu. Libera eas de ore leonis, ne absorbeat eas tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum.

  8. So an angel being one kind and a human being another kind can procreate? So like a cat and a dog being two different kinds can procreate? And the giants after the flood?

  9. I have had more Christians break fellowship with me over this question than any other. What a blessing to hear someone not ashamed to clearly explain what the Bible so simply teaches. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a litmus test among acceptable Christianity. You are not allowed to believe such things or speak such things. Always blessed by Douglas's teaching.


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