The TRUTH about Hades 2

Am I wrong?

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Theme by: MegaRan
Animated Intro by: JulesDrawz

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Animation: JulesDrawz

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47 thoughts on “The TRUTH about Hades 2”

  1. I love Hades 2 but there is not enough Artemis and as a certified lady of the hunt aka crit goddess simp from Hades 1 I am going through phases of grief rn. But at least hephaestus is fun.

  2. Well… This is how mythology accurate ancient Greek gods were…
    Those writers thought back then ware like " This is a great story, but… They should be h0rn1"

  3. Ah yes, the most recent "safe horny" game, where the men look like men, the women look like men, everyone's some flavor of rainbow, you're always the submissive, and you have to play "spot the actual Greek."


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