These new cast boons feel SO good. | Hades 2

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30 thoughts on “These new cast boons feel SO good. | Hades 2”

  1. You have to try Aphro Legendary with her mana regen boon !
    I had this build yersterday and it's so funny to see all the curse pop up on screen xD
    And btw, the curse Vent from hephy is applied too, which is just free damage.

  2. I dont mind nemesis' charactery she is really great once you invest in her. I despise her blocking all my attacks and projectiles and thereby stealing my kills.

    I dont like the pause gimmick, the first time I had a great shot at chronos (4 revives and at least 1500 dps) I had to pause and look after my dog who threw up. Came back to about 30 hp and no more revives. Its a good idea, but I hate it in practice.

  3. 33:30 I do not care about the chronos pause thingy, you can still alt+tab the game to pause it so it doesn't actually prevent you from doing something irl like idiots on the internet want to pretend, and you can fix it later too.

  4. Rofl, this one is honestly a bit of a low luck build. It was perfectly winnable and did okay damage, but it's definitely not true that you need good luck to beat the game or can't do good damage without serious boon combos.

  5. About bloodline, while it looks bad at face value i had an insane medea run with the hammer that fires your omega attack on shell retrieval, seeing the screen filled with so many rifts instantly made me a fan lmao.

  6. The argument that people who don't have a lot of time to play games would be wasting time by losing to Chronos due to the pause thing is ridiculous. So every time you lose in a video game you've wasted your time? Makes no sense, you played the game for an hour, you didn't waste any precious gaming time, you just lost, as you would in any other game.

  7. The only Nemesis thing I really have an issue with is sometimes scaring off Echo. Feels like an odd mechanic to have, especially for how rare it is (which ironically makes it feel even worse when it does actually happen).

  8. Personally I like the new Glamour Gain and Hearth Gain! Both feel a lot better and more tailored to the builds that you would want to use each goddess with, plus it's nice to have a few magick boons that are good that aren't Born Gain

  9. I've been doing runs using heroic Engagement Ring from hera, it clears entire rooms on its own and the end screen doesn't show it or cast damage at all. I "do more damage" with specials while basically never using them.

  10. Did aphro get buffed a lot, despite not needing it?

    Her gain boom curses everything, weak reduces damage by 30%. Her shameless boom just gives a flat extra 20% damage with the possibility of 40%. It’s just flat out superior the Apollo copy.

    Her legendary just vents, dazes, freezes, and blitz everything around you. Guaranteeing origination.

  11. My first time finding out about the Chronos pause thing, I paused to grab a drink and came back to it unpaused. I thought it was user error, so I paused again. Then I heard Chronos taunt me, unpause, and continue. Personally, I found that extremely exciting and funny. I loved it.
    Though I think some warning, even vague, would be good for players.

  12. Selene is quite good and maybe even worth building around, but only for low fear. lunar ray for instance can have rare upgrade where your attack boon applies to the ray. it is bonkers. with something like epic apollo everything just melts. I could not even see what is final damage, because nothing has amount of hp sponge it without dying or doing phase transition.

  13. Born gain definitely needs to be reworked. Even if they changed it to 20% of your max magic, you still get effectively 5x magic. They could go higher but then it wouldn't be balanced for boss fights


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