This Cast Evaporates Everything!! | Hades II

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Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.

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#HadesII #Part24


17 thoughts on “This Cast Evaporates Everything!! | Hades II”

  1. Ah, regular cast build, my favourite way to cheese the game. I used it for one of my 32 nightmare wins because I genuinely think if you're willing to play lame the basic cast build is one of the strongest in the game, and can work on literally every weapon. It's just so safe, especially if you get the Zeus or Hestia things that let you use your cast from a distance

  2. So like…I'm amazed there isn't an easter egg already, but since Chronos controls time to the point he can deny you pausing…why can't he just instantly end your time limit? Just get to the fight and he goes "Oh, you're doing a time limit challenge? Well, time's up."

  3. 56:35: Presumably they'll introduce the keepsake artwork whenever it's time to bring in the res of the gods, since they have apparently said Dionysus, Ares, and Athena will return. But yeah, pretty convenient they had just enough for the whole alphabet.

  4. The 15 damage cap boon is the best one for Chronos because it works on the instant kill abilities. Even I can win with that boon.
    My favorite first 3 keepsakes all start with C.
    Chaos (because permanent value)
    Concave Stone Echo's (permanent value)
    Crystal Figurine (Circe) gives you a random arcana.
    Everyone likes permanent value keepsakes !


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