This Hidden Combo Decimates 50 Fear | Hades 2

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15 thoughts on “This Hidden Combo Decimates 50 Fear | Hades 2”

  1. If you guys like high level high fear Hades 2 content you NEED to check out Mynt and Foolish's channels! They are the top two links in todays description. GO GO GO GO!

  2. From what I gathered from the patch notes ("Increased damage rate of the Scorch Curse" bit), Air Quality should still work with it, but the effect should be less noticeable, because each damage tick became bigger and thus less affected by Air Quality's static increase to 30.
    IMO you don't really need Air Quality anymore to make scorch viable, new duos and Pyro Technique are pretty good.

  3. Oh I didn't realize that the time limit worked like that, I kinda always thought that if you ran out of time with the vow you'd just instantly die and lose lmao

  4. I saw a build on reddit and i really wonder how good it is.Its a medeas skull build with hephaistos on attack and special you need apollo cast and aphros Heartthrob boon.With this you need to find both aphro hepha duo boon and apollo aphro duo boon.I will try when i have time.


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