This new block with Xinth is pure cheese. | Hades 2 Olympic Update

I know that part of this run was shown in the “What’s New” video but I didn’t want people to potentially miss out on seeing Dio and some other stuff for the first time. More to come of course!

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40 thoughts on “This new block with Xinth is pure cheese. | Hades 2 Olympic Update”

  1. I like this new weapon so far. People say its too broken but i find it balanced cuz you gotta get really close with enemy and attack feels clunky. Special is a good support tool but you probably cant do an optimal build based on special alone. Charon Axe and Artemis Daggers are still on top for me. Chaos black coath is my third favorite tho

  2. Love the hexes, some like wolf howl can become pure cheese by the end when you get guaranteed crits and massive i-frame windows but I like it's a thing where if you don't want to invest in it most of em still do something, and if you do i think all hexes have a nice use-case

    27:17 so this is a thing with the aspect where i think (not sure) the shield actually puts up a shield instead of making your front half invincible, so if any attack clips through due to being too close, you get hit. Feels bad, always move opposite to whatever you're blocking imo

  3. I adore Xinth, but I feel like the attack charge-damage ratio is super jank. Either the damage needs to be doubled and it's outright OHKOing enemies, or the charge is faster. It's a cool move, but the commitment to charging isn't working. And you can't dash with it to extend the range at ALL.

  4. I think the hidden aspect for Xinth is probably the aspect of Valkyrie, where it is giant pair of wings.
    Or the aspect of Evangelion, where it is just a giant mech that gives you depression.

  5. I already got the best Nyx build. On my first run I got the heroic Chaos boon that turns off your arcana in exchange for channel speed.

    What I didn't know is that when you use that chaos boon it keeps your DDs and activates Judgement so I got 6 other arcanas and was channeling the omega boost near instantly

  6. In my experience, muenster cheese is really good on hot sandwiches. It melts nicely and it's got a good savory taste. For cold sandwiches, gouda is my go to. I love gouda, i used to get a whole block of the stuff to eat for lunch at school.

  7. what I've found to be particularly powerful with the coat is to hold attack to get your shield, and then before the full charge auto-fires press the dash button while holding charge. Mel will instantly dash attack without spending magick on an omega move the way she normally would after holding block, so you can abuse the block combined with dash i-frames for a really REALLY elusive and defensive strategy without sacrificing DPS because of how many dash attacks you're continuing to put out

    I've yet to get this with the hammer that auto fires your special on block, but I HAVE had it with the multi-hit dash attack hammer and the 25% chance to autofire special per attack hit, so those two combined gave a similar experience to special on block in terms of rockets output and it was very strong, that build carried my first Prometheus kill

    edit: haha they actually got that combo in this video, they didn't utilize it in that way tho since this was an omega attack run

  8. So i feel like while it is different to see an olympian as an encounter/event room, i think for these 3 (Athena, Dio, Artemis), it was kind of expected? Because i think the gods don't lend themselves too well to new kits, for example what would Athena's attack look like that doesn't resemble the old version? Same with Dio/dots and Artemis/crits. Even in their current form they still kept the same attributes and even some boons(pp, divine dash, trippy shot).

    I think it's better like this because while you don't see them as often at least it doesn't feel lame having similar boons to the first game, and even if the boons still have the same elements, they feel more novel

  9. The song from the Dio's room reminded me a lot of David Bowie's Blackstar! Don't know why, maybe de chord progression or something like that. The Polyphemus battle song also reminds me a lot of Blackstar too!


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