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Local Climate + Arctic Ring wins because it is faster and can freeze its opponents
The skull is such a cool weapon. It's not my favorite, that's the axe but the skull is so cool
boated gets scammed for 22 mins straight
The main problem with Skulls isn't that they're weaker than the other weapons. It's that they feel like a chore to manage without having any kind of real reward for being a chore to manage. In Hades 1 the bow and the rail both had specific micro-management requirements (a draw speed with a sweet spot and ammo, respectively). But in Hades 1 this led to the two strongest single aspects in the game. Amazing hammers, huge safety with how long range they were and unique aspects that were either all or almost all excellent in distinct ways. The skulls have no real selling point to justify how hard you have to work to make them play at the same level as other weapons.
Trivia Time!
Demeter's wrath isn't just useful for creating icy rings with which to murder your enemies. She was infamously quick to bring out the ice and starvation powers when people crossed her, despite normally being a kindly goddess who taught humanity how to feed themselves and gave out her plenty at will. When she was angry, her punishments could be inventive, petty and cruel, like almost any other Greek God. When searching for her daughter, Demeter stopped over in the city of Attica. There, a kindly woman named Misme took her in and gave her flavoured water to help her with her thirst. Exhausted from her searching, Demeter drunk deeply from her cup, and Misme's son Ascalabus laughed at her reaction and asked if they should give her a jar for the road. Incensed, Demeter poured her drink over the kid, turning him into a gecko, and declared that any who killed geckos would gain her favour ever after. Just goes to show you, don't ever show kindness to a Greek God, folks. They'll turn your kids into geckos for minor breaches in etiquette.
Later, her travels took her to Argolis, where she asked for lodging from a man by the unfortunate name of Colontas. Maybe our Colon-adjacent friend had heard about what happened to Misme's kid, because he said no. His kid, by contrast, told him he was being rude and he should reconsider. He didn't, and so Demeter again took the very reasonable reply of trapping him in his house and burning him alive. His daughter, by contrast, not only survived the ordeal but built a sanctuary to Demeter and was given her favour as a priestess. While both these stories seem to exist as a way to teach people proper etiquette when receiving guests, to me what most jumps out is to keep your head down and try to stay quietly complicit when a Greek God rolls into town. The worst possible thing to do, by contrast, would be to gloat about how much better you are than their kids, which has pretty much never ended well for anyone in Greek myth who has ever done this.
Minthe was a nymph in the Underworld who was Hades' old lover before he abducted Persephone (have I talked about that myth? It's kinda essential to the plot of the games, so I feel like I have, but lemme know if I haven't yet). Hades ditched Minthe for Persephone after kidnapping her (dick move, Hades), and Minthe was so salty about this that she'd brag to anyone who listened about being Hades' old flame and how that skank Persephone was just a fling and eventually he'd come back to her. Demeter, who had been so angry about Hades kidnapping her kid that she froze the entire planet to death in response, eventually caught wind of Minthe's shit-talking. Rather than see this as an in-road to splitting up her hated son in law away from her daughter, she instead decided the most reasonable course of action on hearing this was trampling Minthe to death with her own feet. She was stamped so flat that from her remains sprung up a lovely-smelling herb, which became named after the nymph.
Perhaps the single creepiest myth about Demeter's wrath is Ovid's take on the story of Erysichthon. The original Greek version of the myth had Erysichthon as an out of touch rich dude who cut down a tree from Demeter's sacred grove to build a party pad for his fellow rich Greece buddies. Demeter cursed him to always be hungry, and he literally ate himself out of house and home, ending up as a beggar on the streets. Ovid's version, however, has him cutting down the entire sacred grove himself, killing a dryad in the process. Demeter's reply was to give him an everlasting hunger so terrible that putting food into his stomach was like trying to douse a fire using oil. Nothing helped. He sold everything he owned to gain more food, but it only made the famine worse.
Eventually, he sold his own daughter Mestra into slavery to pay for food. Poseidon, an old lover of his daughter, granted her the power to shapeshift so she could escape slavery. She returned to her father, and helped to keep him alive through selling her off as more and more expensive animals. This worked for a time, but eventually Erysichthon's eventually burned so badly that he ate himself to stave it off, leaving behind no trace of his own existence as he consumed himself into nothing. Makes me grateful that the worst she ever does to Zag and Mel is target them with some slow-moving snowstorms that have telegraphed AOE targeting. Maybe if Rare Crop and/or Cherished Heirloom actually do something useful for you some time I'll cover the myths about the plenty she showered humanity with in her better moods. And seriously, let me know if I've ever actually talked about the myth that the plot of the first game was based on. I feel like I touched on it briefly when talking about Hades' patron animals, but I can't remember for sure.
Hahaha what the hell was that at the beginning of Olympus
if you want to see poseidon go crazy on skulls
try it on medea
50 fear attempts convinced me that it's best in slot along with hera
+90% wave damage and it breaks wards so your burst actually goes off
take atk or spesh and hera the other
(edit: or aphro)
"you need to be on low fear to do omega builds"
idk im doing runs at 40 fear and omega builds are super consistent to get online for me.
Skull and the torches are both weapons I just can't run with. I tried.
That eris fight was clean af
I forget the aspect name but the witches staff where omegas keep activating is so strong if you put the Demeter omega cast to follow you and then apollo magic regen you are constantly refilling magic in the background. Add in Poseidon cast and wolf howl and you just jump around exploding with unlimited magic and constant hex activation
Plz sir master conductor plus killer tide on the blades maybe kings randsom if your feeling nuts. Your the goat big dawg
Where the hell was air quality?
Should be callin you Sir Boated of the round table with all that armour brother
Talking about how skulls are a ranged weapon but not really I kinda miss the bow from the first game
Came for the high fear runs, stayed for these creative runs!!!
you said in rift that you rarely see icarus, I'm trying to fulfill the last medea prophecy and I've not seen her 11 runs in a row and got icarus every time! scammed and scammed alike
this build but on charon so the cast lasts forever 😎