Hades Playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmj6-vxquxwQwS6OqEits3X0TXbj_jkhZ
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Love seeing you upload haelian. Always down for the content!
I incidentally got this boon just yesterday and I was laughing at how the run suddenly became so easy after a single chamber.
You should give Warm Snow another solid try, it's gotten massive updates.
The other day, I was doing Athena attack on zag fists for deadly reversal and stuff, then I got ares and took the special for whatever reason, realized I had activated merciful end and thought "is every fists run a merciful end run?".
Got ME and Athena dash before ending Tartarus, sold the attack, got ares instead and blitzed through the rest of the run
I've either been super lucky with this duo boon, or super cursed and it doesn't appear all run. Idk why but it really feels like it rarely appears for me, but I enjoy the hell out of it whenever it does.
Thank you Haelian, its nice to come back to Hades occasionally.
Wooooo a new hades video nicuuu thx
I appreciate all the vids, man. I recently got my first 32 heat clear (ares/dio on chiron), and I never would have if not for your videos.
Why pom over hammer in like 2nd chamber
Dan nearly realizes an intervention is inevitable.
So, is the difference I'm seeing with my damage just because I don't use High Confidence? I feel like my runs struggle a lot damage-wise.
Actually got my first Extreme Measures 4 win today thanks to some of your advice and guide videos, lots of fun!
Just started playing Hades, and have started going through all of the previous videos. Thank you for making them!