This ridiculous Explosive Upper run was just silly fun. | Hades

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23 thoughts on “This ridiculous Explosive Upper run was just silly fun. | Hades”

  1. Guys any tip to trigger the Meg dialogue so I can unlock her companion, I have all the others but meg isn't speaking to me, any idea or should I just redo the whole thing

  2. Gilgamesh cast build is fun (using stygian soul), you apply maim (with rending claws) then have the 3 dashes with extra damage/dodge. It's powerful enough to beat 50 heat so 32 heat should be easy enough.

  3. Gilgamesh is and has always been my favourite aspect. The fists are my favourite weapon, and I love risk/reward-type debuffs, so it was a sure thing for me. My favourite build is Aphro attack (offset the extra damage you take from Maimed enemies and maximise your attack damage to make the most of Maim's damage buff yourself), a good dash boon, Zeus call, and Smoldering Air. IIRC, that's how I got my first-ever 32-heat win with EM4. That said, I have fun with most gods on Gilgamesh. Merciful End, crit/defense combo (Heart Rend and Deadly Reversal with Athena dash and special, Aphro attack, and Artemis cast, ideally), and Sea Storm (Poseidon dash and special with Razor Shoals) are always a good time.

    Gilgamesh can feel a little wanting without Rending Claws, but Breaching Cross (armour shred compensates for slow attack speed and miserable dash-attack damage), Draining Cutter (Maim's burst damage counts as special damage, so if it kills something, you get the health, which is nice when you're taking all that extra damage), Rush Kick (works with dash-special so still procs Maim), and Colossus Knuckle (damage reduction and interrupt immunity are great when your attacks are that slow) are all great hammers.

  4. when the power goes out, more people store perishables in the snow than you would think. Also you can cook on a gas stove / gas oven without power. Although, electric appliances are more common these days

  5. I saw a video on Reddit today on r/idiotsincars from Alabama where there was a half inch of snow and people were freaking out while driving – one guy drove off the road, down a grass slope, tried to bail out of the drivers seat halfway through, then crashed into a parked car at the bottom of the hill and crushed his leg with his car door in the impact. It was absolutely nuts – if you're not confident driving in the snow, or don't have the tires for it, stay home!

  6. if we didn't washed eggs like in europe, we wouldn't need to keep them in the fridge! and you gotta freeze your bread for max freshness. my grocery store keeps toothpaste in the very back corner of the store. as someone whose job is about USER centered design, business centered design hurts my soul a bit :')

  7. Crazy hearing about snow causing power outages as a canadian. Say what you will about canadian infrastructure but I cant remember the last time the immense amount of snow we get caused an outage. If anything they're more common in summer cause of storms lol.

  8. The thing with salt is that the average person knows that you put salt on roads in the winter. They don't know that road salt and table salt are two different things. They know where to find the table salt so that's where they go. They probably don't even register the fact that they walked right past road salt because they're so used to stores putting impulse buy items towards the front of the store that they don't pay attention to what is actually there.


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