Trying our best at completing a 40 heat Hera run FAST! /Hades/

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11 thoughts on “Trying our best at completing a 40 heat Hera run FAST! /Hades/”

  1. Hmm, you didn't picked EM4. What's the strategy with pact at high heats? I'm struggling with 32, any tips? I'm doing forced overtime 2 em4 and it's pretty rough, but maybe I'm wrong thinking extra dmg, hp and/or less healing is worse?

  2. Hm, so why didn't he pick Priv. Status? Is it because he didn't want to play with RNG to reliably get the second status effect, or is it because he wanted the damage outright from Fam. Fav. for his initial Cast Shot? I'm not to familiar with the Hera Bow (which will change soon, been noobing with the bow and stick with Chiron, but I see everyone uses Hera) so I don't know if Priv is worth it or not on it. I imagine it would probably be more useful on bosses, but don't know how the chamber-play will work.

  3. I always knew Haelian was good but these types of videos are a reminder of just how amazing he really is, I could barely keep up with some of the speediest enemies


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