Trying out the CROSSBAR on the HADES! | Call of Duty Mobile

So. Much. Ghost Touch.

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12 thoughts on “Trying out the CROSSBAR on the HADES! | Call of Duty Mobile”

  1. I haven't played this game since season 4 and its impossible for me to get the operators, which were released in those seasons, yesterday i installed it agian and there is NO WAY for me to get them, it just says stay tuned WHY!.
    this is a bigger issue then holger.

  2. I also get that ghost touch every now and then, when i first started to get it I thought it was my thumbs starting to die! I then got some thumb sleeves only to find out it was still happening even with them on. Then I found out what ghost touch was DOH !!
    Ohh and that was very well controlled Rage might i just add. Stay safe and healthy 😘👍🏼


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