Understanding Eris More (womp womp) – Run#29 – Light Commentary | Hades 2 Early Access

We are going to the surface with Charon Axe using Apollo Special. Apollo Special on Axe seems most fun when Omega special clears half of the room. Reverse order with Surface run first then a Chaos Trial for this episode. Reasons being, couldn’t afford a full Underworld run haha.

Time of this post, played up to Run 32, but experienced recording issues last run. More info on that when the time comes. Sadly, not much I can do with that one. Runs after 32 on hold till I safeguard it from happening again.

– “Death to Chronos” – Selene
– Poly can’t stop thinking about Od
– Eris describes her pov more.

Fast Pass:
00:00 Run 29
11:53 Polyphemus
14:46 Rift of Thessaly
18:11 Icarus
20:00 Return 2
21:00 Circe
22:57 Return 2
25:30 Eris…
29:02 Home
34:59 Chaos Trial 5
37:06 Master Chaos
37:43 Return 0
41:33 Scylla~
44:01 Home

#hades #hades2


13 thoughts on “Understanding Eris More (womp womp) – Run#29 – Light Commentary | Hades 2 Early Access”

  1. 4:05 they all appreciate it, some of them just have a measure of pride that doesn’t clash well with the fact that they need it 😂

    14:52 Mh…I wonder if she says this because rather than greek war ships, the ships are modeled after more stereotypical pirate ships from circa the 17th century, aka they’re from somewhen else, fitting for the titan of Time…

    29:45 [side-eyeing Pandora’s myth] ….yea…..

  2. So I noticed you something called "D-wood" to do one of those incantations. I looked and, you can only find these in the undead ships on the surface. But apparently, it's considered and treated as a rare spawn, so… good luck finding it.

  3. Man, imagine being at that concert – the girl the band's dissing kills the backup singers, then the main singer, then after some cosmic random shit she just dies

    And you still haven't got your refund from Ticketmaster

  4. I love you Toula, even if you're sadly another "Cat's are lazy and won't help you much most of the time" charicature.

    (I'm a former cat parent who's had a good few really loyal felines by my side. And trust me, if they wanna follow you, they're gonna do way more than just sleep while you deal with shit).

  5. You really do keep teasing me with almost taking the aspect of Pan. But as usual, I love your runs! The Axe is amazing, I hope we can find some dark to take Thanatos' scythe out soon! The Knuckle Bones are interesting, and it's cool to see Polyphemus react to them. I hope we can see more reactions to the different keepsakes! Keep up the good work! Death to Chronos!

  6. Icarus likes what we did! He notices! Love him!

    The Chaos trials are nice to see. It seems Chaos has the time of their life witnessing infinite possibilities, now that their nieces are gone.

    Eris is a rebel, much like Zagreus, if not more. She didn't like the status quo, but probably doesn't even want Chronos to win. If things stay just like they are, then she'll be all the more grateful. I believe the "I can't accept this!" Was a fakeout. Maybe. Possibly. Or maybe she'll be carching the feels for Mel! Chaotic Goblin and Little Miss Perfect do be a combo. (´ε` )♡

    I was apparently wrong about the bow theory where one needs a lot of strength, back problems and so on, as Melinoë is apparently stronger than Ajax. Fun fact: The soap brand Ajax is named after him, because it's stronger than Grease. 😀 (Not kidding. It's their slogan.)

  7. You know, when I saw the game trailer, I thought Nemesis and Moros were gonna be our Meg and Than respectively. However, as gratuitously pretty as they both are, I'm not sure I get romanceable vibes off either of them, nor anyone else in the crossroads.

    Also, how old is Icarus supposed to be?

  8. 12:00 I had a feeling Polyphemus would have special dialogue for the Knuckle Bones. (Hecate also has unique dialogue for them, I saw it in a different video)

    19:10 Huh, so the ghost ships can't sustain themselves without Chronos. Perhaps the gates to the underworld aren't as open as we've been led to believe if the Titan's presence is required for the shades to escape.

    28:28 I mean, if Frinos can casually stand in Chronos's instant death effects, I don't see why the cat can't lounge in the fire.

    29:45 I mean…

    35:25 Yep, happily married, there's definitely never been any drama regarding Aphrodite's near constant cheating with Ares.

    36:05 Ooh, Duo boon offered right away. Nice.

    40:05 Oh, Chronos is interfering during a Chaos Trial? That's brave of him. I personally would not risk angering Chaos by interfering in their experiments.

    43:37 Yeah, Chaos Boons really aren't worth in for single region runs. Not enough encounters to get the good effect.


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