Using Athena with Lucifer to create DEFLECTO BEAMS! /Hades/

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35 thoughts on “Using Athena with Lucifer to create DEFLECTO BEAMS! /Hades/”

  1. Damp Daddy. Loved your answer to 'Is Hades your favourite game ever?", such a smart and honest reply. Thankful I got to experience it as intended, I was blown away.
    Been coming to your streams recently too! (Twitch is a weird place but I love your chat). That probably makes you my most watched content creator by a country mile. Thanks for everything <3

  2. Thank you so much for making these videos! Your videos have inspired me to try and get better at Hades and also you lead me to probably my favorite weapon, Hera Bow. Thanks again and keep up the good work! 😀

  3. You’re gonna be the next best streamer I can feel it. You’re professional, you speak well, you’re active with chat, you’re extremely entertaining.. etc. You have the makings to be king so keep on going 👍 👑

  4. Here is a special challenge- hard labor max, jury summons max, benefits package max, middle management, extreme measures 4, Tight Deadline 7:00, heightened security. Max forced overtime if you want for more insanity. Max tight deadline if you want too. I think it would be hard enough without either. Complete the game using Guan Yu with as little health pickups as possible.


    must use High Confidence from the mirror

    Must use Fated authority in the mirror and can only use it if your only option is a Centaur Heart or Darkness

    Can’t use Spiked Collar keepsake.

    Can’t pick up any max health increasing items unless there is no other choice

    If Thanatos is encountered, you must kill less than him to avoid the centaur heart.

  5. I'm wondering if you turned off auto-aim and just spun around, would it deflect everything? I don't think it would (because I tried the something similar with doom laser and it didn't apply doom to everything, only when the "bullets" would hit), but just curious.

  6. The first thing I tried with Lucifer was Athena's attack. From what I could tell, it only deflects things that hit the gun as you are firing. It can be similar to the shield, where you just sit there holding the attack button as an enemy fruitlessly tries to punch you in the face. Hitboxes can sometimes go around it though, so it isn't full proof by any means

  7. I ended up trying the deflection gun last night. It seemed like the part of the attack that deflected anything was the muzzle burst from the gun. I ended up taking the infinite ammo hammer, which basically made me a wall, but it seemed like attacks with hit boxes that reached behind the muzzle still hit. Definitely works better with the aphro/Athena duo

  8. I tried deflect beam a few days ago, so underwhelming. Thought it would be awesome, deflecting everything with ease.

    So far my favorite deflect build I've had was Arthur aspect with double nova and greater consecration. Managed to do this with +30% special speed. Fun stuff.

  9. Just did a Lucifer run where I wanted to try Artemis on attack (it wasn't great), ended up with Athena on special + dash, Demeter on cast, Poseidon on aid.
    Then got Greater Inferno and Triple Bomb. Coupled with some Chaos boons on my special, Rare Crop on attack and special too, Swift Flourish..
    THEN Deadly Reversal, Crystal Clarity and Stubborn Roots (didn't even use a death defiance)
    I ended up whaling on the last few bosses with just Deflecto Bombs! I was chunking their healthbars every few seconds or so.


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