Vinny – Hades 2 Technical Test

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Stream Date: April 17th, 2024
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April 17th, 2024 Stream:
[Pre-Stream] Vinny Cameos, Club Cousin is an SNL Sketch & More ►
Rimworld: Season 3 (PART 17) ►
[BRB Talk] ‘Read Em And Weep’ by The Black Keys ►
Hades 2 Technical Test ►

#Vinesauce #Vinny


31 thoughts on “Vinny – Hades 2 Technical Test”

  1. Only issue about vinny not getting the 10 wins ending is cause he played quite a bit on early access. I bet he would've had gotten the ending if played early access once and come back when the game was fully done or kept playing on his own off-stream.

    Also makes me wonder if he'll ever play Have a Nice Death again since it's been a while since ver1. 0 was released.

  2. Odysseus just looks like Luka from Bayonetta. I'm here for it lol. I only skipped thru a little because as luck would have it, I've just been fixated on Hades 1 (late to the party) in the past few weeks and I wanna come to this game blind. But man the couple seconds I've seen look slick.

  3. 42:18 Woah, great Seinfeld imitation out of nowhere! Vinny's so good at doing voices.

    For the chat member who asked: Jerry Seinfeld got big because he appeared on Johnny Carson and people liked his act. In the 70s and 80s, if you wanted to be a big time comedian, you had to be on Carson.

    And it's hard to explain how revolutionary Seinfeld was to someone who was born after it aired. It's like trying to explain how important The Simpsons was to someone who grew up with Adult Swim and Family Guy. Compare Seinfeld to Three's Company or Cheers and you'll see why it was so important.

    Edit: He does address the second one. "You just had to be there"? Oof, we're getting old.

  4. Supergiant made, what, like 6 games including this one?

    FFS stop being so good (actually don't). Transistor is honest on god my favorite game of all time. Not even mentioning that i 100%ed hades 1, which i usually don't do, let alone that fast
    Also, Nemesis looks so much like her mom… Already love her


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