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#RaidShadowLegends #Shorts #RaidShorts
Who else do you want to see?? Daily damage test!
Best build for verges
I just thought of something when I watched this video. I would like to see a comparison of champs that have the same abilities (warmaiden vs other decrease defense champs) not specifically for damage potential, but pros/cons of them.
Can u do harvest Jack?
I wanna see Dhampir (undead) she used to be my farming champ back in the day
Test Misericord! (Banner lords)
So I know stats are more important than sets, but I would really like a video of champions that really benefit from a weird set that nobody uses…. like a weird champions with weird sets that actually works for mid and/or end game
Some say she can hit harder but she's a little chilly
Gala Longbraids 🙁 please
Moss beards poison multiplier passive
Robar and Rae with and without their conditionals!
Deacon can do a ton of damage
Corpulent Cadaver. Sometimes looks like im the only one who uses him (in Regen Set)
I though your Flatstat broher came back when I saw that bandana 😀
Do Mountain King. You got him now and let's see his majesty single target nuke!
For some reason this video is appearing and disappearing from my list.
Or you know… Just find their multipliers!
People might actually build warmaiden as their damage dealer XD
Love it ahahaha best shorts
Oboro if you please =)
What kind of psychopath are you ? Literally wearing Frank`s headband while he rots in the basement.
Ma shall
This is a weird one but I’ve always wanted to know if I should put my Suwai Firstborn into Crit Dmg. Gloves. I had to six star a void early on and I was like this is the only good void I have might as well and i later on started using her in my Slow Double Maneater comp and she hits for a decent bit of damage with Crit Rate gloves but I wanna know how hard she can really hit so if you want try her out lol I wanna know
I like the fact you picked a Rare. Warmaiden is someone even the most novice players can have, albeit nowhere near as good of gear to get those kind of stats, but relative to what's available it's interesting. Other farmable or daily login reward types? Maybe even less popular logins like Yaga, or fusions like Relickeeper/Broadmaw
Achak, Golden Reaper, Skathix, WarCaster, Venomage, Diabolist, Alure, Yaga, Skytouched Shaman, Aothar
Do Woad Painted, for the memes!
that was awesome…I would love to see more of the farmable and awards champions…great short
I worried only about 2 stats on warmaiden… speed and acc so my atk, crit rate and crit dmg is pretty low and she still can smack with a3
Nazana A3
Thylessia! I've seen so many people insist she's great because she places def down, but nobody talks about her!
Show basileus roanas Been on vault.were My first lego
Can we check out all these new dark elves Raid threw in
How about in a quickish video like this (which I LOVE btw), the starter champs vs each another, which one smacks for most damage. So a duel off, Elhain, Kael, Athel & Galek. You could do quite a few of them with all the champs available now.
Please test woad painted – I seem to only pull her from Sacred shards
Ogryn Jailer!