What are the Best Calls??? | Hades Guide, Tips and Tricks

What are the best Calls? In this video we talk about the calls in the game and which ones I like best and why! Thanks for tuning in!

0:00 Intro
1:05 Zeus
2:09 Poseidon
3:32 Athena
4:45 Aphrodite
6:09 Artemis
7:03 Ares
8:19 Dionysus
9:42 Demeter
10:36 Hermes
10:54 Secret Call/Keepsake

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Hades is a god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant’s critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of Bastion, the rich atmosphere and depth of Transistor, and the character-driven storytelling of Pyre.

As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you’ll wield the powers and mythic weapons of Olympus to break free from the clutches of the god of the dead himself, while growing stronger and unraveling more of the story with each unique escape attempt.

The Olympians have your back! Meet Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and many more, and choose from their dozens of powerful Boons that enhance your abilities. There are thousands of viable character builds to discover as you go.

A fully-voiced cast of colorful, larger-than-life characters is waiting to meet you! Grow your relationships with them, and experience hundreds of unique story events as you learn about what’s really at stake for this big, dysfunctional family.
New surprises await each time you delve into the ever-shifting Underworld, whose guardian bosses will remember you. Use the powerful Mirror of Night to grow permanently stronger, and give yourself a leg up the next time you run away from home.
Permanent upgrades mean you don’t have to be a god yourself to experience the exciting combat and gripping story. Though, if you happen to be one, crank up the challenge and get ready for some white-knuckle action that will put your well-practiced skills to the test.
The rich, atmospheric presentation and unique melding of gameplay and narrative that’s been core to Supergiant’s games is here in full force: spectacular hand-painted Underworld environments and a blood-pumping original score bring the Underworld to life.

Hades is designed for Early Access from the ground up. Join the conversation here or Supergiant’s official Discord server, and let our team know what you think of the game. We read 100% of player feedback, and each Major Update is heavily informed by it.

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34 thoughts on “What are the Best Calls??? | Hades Guide, Tips and Tricks”

  1. my first escape is using Demeter call with her legendary boon.
    on Hades phase 2 i was out of Death Defiance and also low hp. but suddenly Hades dies, i saw he still have some hp on his bar

  2. I find it funny you rank Zeus higher than Poseidon even though you can run a full call Poseidon and easily beat Hades with ripped current full bar call while being completely invulnerable.
    Not to mention you can just spam this move whenever a boss is doing some dangerous move to bypass that damage while doing massive damage in return.

    Not to mention the billowing strength ALSO works on Poseidon call and further boosts its internal damage.
    You can actually beat the game easily centering with just this one call. (grab duo boon to autocharge call very fast)
    Everything just dies immediately and all bosses become punching bag with 0 threat.
    Oh, did I mention you can ALSO grab duo boon Sea Storm to add lightning strike to your Poisedon call and making it doing even more damage than Zeus Call? (It already does more damage than Zeus call w/o though)
    Oh, did I also mention you can grab 30% damage to boss when use knockback move = Poseidon call too?
    You can hit like 10k+ damage with full bar Poseidon call if invested. One call is enough to kill Hades Phase 3.

    You can't do this with Zeus call. Zeus call requires more input to be good. Might be very good for speedrun but I wouldn't say the call itself can carry you through run.
    I don't think it's easy to ONLY use Zeus call to beat the game , but with Poseidon +ripped current you can do that easily.
    To me Zeus call is definitely much lower in terms of its strength. It's a nice addition but it's not build defining/ game changing.

    Personally I'd rank Poseidon a S and Zeus a B. Whenever I play high heat and have some trouble I just try to find Poseidon Call to cheese it.

  3. Yep you guessed it, I disagree with Ares' aid. I think it's the same with Poseidon with no Rip Current at B tier. I've learned to appreciate it on medium to high heat runs cause I used it defensively if I can't get Poseidon or Athena's aid.

  4. I mean, I do like ares aid, but it also so annoying when I don’t react fast enough after it’s over and get hit (i suck, so it happens to me way too often), so it’s far from my first choice

  5. I would put Athena call at easy S tier, it's the only call that grants you imperviousness like Ares or Poseidon that also allows you to attack with your own weapons instead of the call doing the damage, when you have a very high dps build Athena call can give you best dps because you can just facetank bosses and enemies while relentlessly dishing out attacks with impunity, can also give enemies exposed status or deflect attacks for higher dps too. I think people wrongly think of Athena aid as being only for defense or better for defense than offense, my fastest fists run was with Athena call because it gave me huge dps boost against bosses and some rooms, more than Zeus or Dio would have and I am invincible too, easy S tier call for me.

  6. As someone who's not very good at video games, what i want from my call is really to charge it to full as quick as possible, and get a huge chunk of damage off, which i think Artemis' is definitely best for. Zeus dionysus and poseidon do a lot of damage, but you need to position yourself well for that, while artemis is just one huge shot at the biggest enemy from anywhere on the map. Athena and poseidon i mostly use as a get out of jail free card incrementally, as opposed to getting damage out. Just whenever i panic i can call and escape that big hit coming my way

  7. Interesting, essentially the exact opposite of what I would class them as (except for Zeus, I still like his, particularly when partnered with his other boons).

    My fav to get is Aphrodite and Artemis (I agree, only use them at Max Gauge). Aphrodite > Artemis > Zeus > Dionysus > Demeter > Poseidon > Ares > Athena . The top of the list are the ones that kill the bosses quicker, the bottom are just used as Get Out Of Jail cards if you get trapped and are about to take damage.

    I really don't see how you put Aphrodite and Artemis down the bottom. Is it even possible to do 2500+ damage with Dionysus, Poseidon, Ares, Athena or Demeter? Aphrodite or Artemis will take 30-40% of a boss' health down in one hit.

  8. I haven't experimented much with Calls yet, though of course I've had a couple winning builds with the Zeus Call where it only goes to one bar but charges super-fast so you can spam it like crazy. and with Static Discharge and Double Strike it's insane and you can basically use only that and one other move with a curse to cause Privileged Status, and utterly smoke Hades. in general getting Zeus's Call tends to entirely alter my play.

    Poseidon and Ares calls I use offensively to some degree but I actually tend to use them just as much for their brief invulnerability to extricate myself from bad situations. also I feel like you should have mentioned how since Ares' Call is a Blade Rift, all the Blade Rift boons apply to it just like with the Cast and the Dash. You really need some of those to make the Call worthwhile.

    Dio's boon I never took for a long time, and then I finally got it and realized it rules. AOE Hangover is sexy

    Aphrodite's sucks. if you want to have fun with her Charm effect you build to her legendary and then you're charming frequently with one of your main offensive abilities. I simply would not take Aphrodite's Aid.

    I don't really get Artemis's. it's quite underwhelming, and also there's seldom a circumstance where she doesn't offer anything better, she has a really nice back catalogue of boons. Pressure Points, Hide Breaker, Hunter's Mark, Clean Kill, and especially Support Fire are all nice. compare to some of the other gods who have very situational boons. meanwhile, like, Poseidon could offer you Ocean's Bounty, Sunken Treasure, and his call, so, yeah you take the call.

    Demeter's is fine. you get lucky with her Chill-affecting boons, especially Arctic Blast, and it becomes most excellent. Good in smaller rooms and when you have a build where you want to draw aggro rather than run away.

    I actually don't love Athena's because I'd rather have damage and increase my DPS to win the damage race rather than play so defensively.

  9. I wonder why some think Demeter call is not so good, but when they are in the Elysium final boss fight, they go 'Oh cr*p, Demeter'. Including myself I might add. Is this call stronger compared to when you use it yourself then?

  10. Bro your whole video was invalid when you put aphrodite at the bottom, need to brush up on your maths bud… Highest damage at 5 stacks and inflicts a status, only thing that's missing is the brief impervious granted by SOME other gods

  11. I'm confused about why you said Hermes' boon that increases your God Gauge automatically is not good at all? I love this boon, it's great for boss fights when you're constantly dashing and have trouble finding an opening to go in and get a hit, instead of staying stagnant the gauge fills up by itself pretty fast.

  12. I'm no pro Hades speedrunner by any means – by my favorite call so far has been Artemis' call. The damage is great, but gets better if you really pom it up. Great for clearing those boss battles really quickly on the final pesky stages, or when you just get tired of fighting the Hydra over and over lol. I never spam it off cooldown and always wait for the full God Gauge for max damage.

  13. My ranking would go upside down. lmao
    I honestly rarely ever need a call unless it's a boss fight. so aphrodite and artemis do a really good job at that, especially if you pair it up with hermes 1% per second. it doesn't tend to do much in other situations, but in a boss fight it will allow you to use it twice or maybe 3 times if you get hit a bit too much, which is great

  14. Loved the video as I do all your content.

    Have to say I feel different about Hermes auto charge, I find at higher rarity, especially if you're lucky enough to pick up starting a room with a partial charge you can have a greater call ready to go in no time. Been invaluable on call heavy runs in mini boss and boss rooms where I've just been able to spam out greater calls to deal with everything.

    Would love to see a follow up on how the calls can be enhanced by various same diety and duo boons.

  15. Ares' aid can do massive damage when combines with his legendary Boon, however I do agree that in general it's on the weaker side. I also find demeter's call to be extremely weak tbh and I generally avoid it. Also an upgraded Artemis call + heart rend = massive damage

  16. Zeus or Dionysis is my go-to for any of my Malphon builds or in-your-face melee builds.

    Otherwise if I do range I go for Artemis or Demeter.

    Athena and Ares are pretty much panic escape calls that can be good on any build, though Athena is more well rounded.

    I don't use Aphrodite's much.

    Poseidon's is a little weird for me, but I guess I can put it in the panic escape category.


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