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Oh hey
I love that the intro "friends and lovers" stuck, it makes me giggle everytime
So I tired 32 heat. I got Styx and I got a 5 sack 😭😭😭. Lost all of my death defiances in Styx. Got to the second phase of Hades and died. 😩
Sorry, but I had to vent.
loving the uploads!
This is cool but id love an even more in depth way to see what does what.
Like, for example, i would love to select the cast and see which boons add the most damage to the cast specifically. See the crit multiplier and chance etc etc.
what heat requirements would you reccomend for someone whos trying out 32 heat for the first time?
This is a really cool feature! I would love to see it also break down what percentage of each damage instance is affected by each boon. If that makes any sense or is even possible
Cool run. It would be interesting to see the DPS meter on a run with an aspect like Eris or Achilles where tidal dash would be a more central part of the damage and since they tend to stack more individual damage sources than Beo usually does that would be cool to see.
Actually, the Beowulf rush is very powerful. It is known as dragon rush when you use it along with cast which increases damage of your rush by 100% when you fully upgrade it. So because of that Beowulf dragon rush easily deals more than thousands damage when it crits. It's not because of charged shot only. Charged shot play the least role in it.
Trippy flare with Beowulf is probably my favorite build so it's fascinating to see the damage broken down like this!
Haelian content machine lately
no artemis' fully loaded :0
yeah would love to see this for eris, achilles, or hestia or something
I grind for a couple hours for sub-10 Chiron last night then see this today??? Should I switch to Beowulf??!?
Love your content, btw!!
Friend and lover! That Daddy fighting dad went crazy.
The chaos buff likely contributed to the rush doing so much damage. That's what hits first so that's what gets the bonus.
You didn't greet the supportive shade!
Beowulf looks pretty fun, and I have wished for a dps meter before. Wish I could mod my game but I have it on switch.
I'd wanna see a few more runs with this mod on, so I could really start to wrap my head around the stats. It seems super interesting.
pretty sure the Pom bug works with trippy flare on Hera as well
Huh. I went to grab the mod, but the zip file on mod nexus contains the wrong mod. It contains "EllosPunchingBagMod" instead of the DpsMeter mod
Is there a mod that keeps track of how many enemies you kill in survival rooms? I want to see Number Go Up at every opportunity for up-going numbers. It is my only source of dopamine, please help
Idk how to feel about this random for fun run being a whole minute faster than my pb
I giggled when you ran into Ares lul
13:30 : you have a duo boon that guaranty epic, so with yarn of Ariadne don't have a guaranty heroic ?
Haelian, could you do some updated overexplain videos?
The first vid I've seen in a while hasn't been a stream clip. Thank you for catering to my YouTube/Vod consuming a$$ <3
Can you try a run where you only have Hermes boons? No other boons though
(Probably have to mod it)
My current quest is getting 32 heat on Beowulf, then I'll have cleared 32 heat with every weapon. I think your idea of doing the regen soul and going for extra cast rubies will bw something I try next
Great mod ! Definitely need some polish and features, but pretty solid.
Very nice run, the gods were with you.