What if we only got Poms after our first boon in Hades? | Haelian

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Thanks to cgull for this mod, can be found here: https://github.com/cgullsHadesMods/HaeliansMods


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33 thoughts on “What if we only got Poms after our first boon in Hades? | Haelian”

  1. Scaling is actually good in these types of hangovers or pressure point boons. Because one increase in hangover actually means an increase of 5 damage in every tick if you stack it completely on an enemy. It is actually very powerful.

  2. If you plan to do more runs like these and want a little less tedium swap mom pom for shattered shackle? I know it was for theming purposes but I like this content don't want you getting burnt out.
    Now for slang that Im glad died out. Slime and beast mode.

  3. Trying to plan builds past 25H already feels like doing calculus sometimes so a quiz game wouldn't be too far off lol. Imagine something like "If you have rare Durnken Strike 3 and epic Heartbreak Flourish 2 with Privileged Status and Aspect of Eris at the endshop in Tartarus, which of the following is the optimal buy order?"

  4. For the amount of times Zagreus mentions Heracles in the first game I would be surprised if he doesn't at least make an appearance in Hades II

    But I'm just excited to get a new game

    Started a new file and started watching your channel, fun stuff 🙂

  5. Not counting situations were two hammers would be unable to be attained together, would it be possible to load a weapon down with every single hammer?

    I'm imagining an Eris Rail with Piercing Fire, Rocket Bomb, Cluster Bomb, Targeting System, and Ricochet Fire. I know a lot of hammers cancel out other hammer options, but still, could create some insane results.

  6. This build but with Zeus or Ares would probably just murder from how powerful the raw spread damage becomes. Or alternatively Zeus special on Chiron to just smite all your enemies. True shot hera would be funny when it deals 4000 or smth from a crit (but it’s not as good since it will only be a 15% crit). And lastly my favorite build, TRIPPY FLARE BEOWULF JUST TEARING THROUGH THE POOR SOULS IN HELL!!! MWAHAHAHAAHA-ACK….*ahem* sorry, something got caught in my throat.

  7. Honestly? I really think you should upload losing runs more often. This entire run I was thinking "there's no way he's got this, but it's on YouTube, so it must be a winning run"… I really do enjoy when creators upload a mix of both, it shows the "real" side of roguelikes. Plus it keeps us from having that expectation of "it'll definitely be a success, because it's on YouTube" or something similar… Makes every single video more exciting if we don't have any preconceptions about how it'll go!

  8. people in chat were saying it but it’s definitely important to be thoughtful of the fact that a huge majority of these “slang” words are words that have been used by black people in the us for many many years (often with hugely more nuance in their use) and only get burnt out and commodified when white people start using them with little context or respect (often with different, less complex meanings). definitely a more complicated conversation than a youtube comment but i thought it was worth noting because it’s easy to not think about.

    thrilling run as always! <3


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