"Why I Hate VTubers" | Hades Reacts

This is the greatest vtuber drama reaction to the Insane Rise of VTubers and Why I Hate Them by Scamboli Reviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUZwrbxk3Jk&t=1s of all time…

#vtuber #reaction #meme


40 thoughts on “"Why I Hate VTubers" | Hades Reacts”

  1. VTuber: I'm gonna react to this video, guys! Let's Go!
    Some rando in chat: TTS TIME, FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!!!

    I know its a troll and i know ive fed the troll and lost the game… dont care. Have a nice day!

  2. 6/10 reaction.
    Sit by doing nothing for multiple minutes straight.
    Didn't pay atention to the video multiple times (most times for thanking subs. The spacebar is right fucking there)
    Said nothing substantial/ insightful. With you being a vtuber, I would assume that you would pause at least 1 time to say something about it.

  3. I really don't care what this clown has to say. I enjoy my Vtuber's & this guys just trying to be edgy. It's fine If it's not for you just don't dump on our parade. Mousey is my oshi & I like Hades etc. To.

  4. 14:26 I don't consider that hating anime, it's more like hating tropes. I've been consuming anime since the early 2000 and to be honest with you all, the whole kawaii trend and overly "cute" character trope gets boring QUICK. It wasn't always like that, pick any anime from the 80's or 90's, they didn't abuse those trends. Overall I'm with scamboli on this argument, sure is fine to watch cute girls doing cute things from time to time to relax and such, but just in a matter of days I'm going to forget that anime even existed, or confuse it with another similar. That is not the case for Trigun, Orphen, Lain or any anime from the 90's

  5. Imean hey if i was able to masturbate on cam and make 1000ns of dollars i would to 😅 but i got wrong bod for onlyfols so that is that 😝 good reaction as allways keep up your good work 😊

  6. I mean, if we’re keeping it 100, the vast majority of Vtubers ARE wack. Just because you fuck with your kamioshi doesn’t change that most Vtubers and their communities are trash. They’re no different from other online scenes.

  7. I think vtubers have the same criticism as reactors or twitch streamers. A lot of them just have no talent to offer and get fame for basically no reason. You ask why is she famous? 'Because she's cute……….is……..is that it?'

  8. i believe the majority of his video can be summed up as "personal preferences". i hate reality tv and dramas but i aint gonna make an entire video on it.

    Edit: if he hates the usual vtuber mannerisms, there are plenty of other vtubers that tone it down. Ex. Kronii, Lord Aethelstan, Kaela, Doki.
    And there are plenty of non vtubers who over exaggerate their reactions. Ex. Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, etc.

  9. God this guy reminds me of this miserable bastard I used to play DnD with.
    This guy liked two things: WW1, and Fallout (and only the grittiest, most grim-dark version of Fallout. No weird wasteland for this dude). If it wasn't related to either of those things, he did not want to hear it. He would let you know, too.

    He ended up being a total buzzkill, and no one really wanted to play with him.

  10. Tbh, in the beginning I kinda saw VTubers as a fad and also was on the main bandwagon of "Its probably just some sweaty fat guy living in his mom's basement", but now i honestly just see them as regular ass content creators like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, but just in a landscape where most of the top creators are women instead. And honestly, it's pretty cool in my case seeing as I never really found any interest in most of the big female creators like SSDoxerwolf (before the doxing) so these girls getting a bunch of spotlight has helped me find some genuinely cool and funny creators to watch (my favorite is Sinder, her general vibe is awesome, and her models look SO good [booba aside])

  11. It's funny how you can tell no one here watched the video because the guy makes it clear a dozen times throughout the video that he doesn't hate vtubers and doesn't put a blanket statement over them. He's joking half the time.

    He even says in the first 2 minutes that not all vtubers are like this and that he himself is odd for just not being able to understand it. It says more about vtuber fans (I'm one myself) when they can't take any amount of criticism without getting upset. Learn to laugh a bit

  12. Am actually with Scamboli to a degree. I don't know if it's a part of getting old or being exposed to a lot of anime, but i am growing tired of that type of "cutesy" act and voices.
    I prefer when the streamers i watch behave like themselves and are entertaining because they are genuinely funny and not because of something else.

    At least, am with him on that.

  13. Too bad he didn't package this video up a bit differently cause i completely agree with most of these except i don't hate vtubers i just avoid ones who's whole shtick is playing a character, or I just watch vods so i can skip past parts i find cringey. It is frustrating though because there are definitely some vtubers out there i would love to enjoy because they have some seriously funny moments but i just cant get past their characters.

  14. This guy baffles me. Bro did dozens of hours of research and a 20+ minute video to publicly announce "y'all do whatever you want; this ain't my thing." I can't even be mad at him; he clearly did his research and isn't trying to sell his opinion as fact.

  15. 100% with him on the baby talk. I h-h-h-h-h-h-HATE that. There's a few that I really like but can't watch purely because the voice they put on makes me want to rip off my own ears to plug the holes with them. Completely at odds with him on everything else, though.

    Except his taste in music. The Chrono Trigger OST is top.

  16. 72 hours is a decent amount of time for research. I genuinely believe that if you don't like something and you don't take the time to research and learn more about it, your opinion on it is invalid. It is just hate for the sake of hate at that point.

  17. You know what? I respect his opinion. I respect the research he made. And I respect that he respects vtubers and their grind.
    I still disagree with him tho, even if some of his points are valid.

  18. Bro hated vtubers so much he threw himself down the rabbit hole to prove that they are weird and cringe and now is trapped in this hole he purposely threw himself down. It always starts with vtubers are cringe, but this one is different then you find another one and another one until alot of the content you watch is made by vtubers. He made the mistake of jumping down the rabbit hole where there is no escape.

  19. I agree to an extent. To each their own.
    I never got into Vtubers just because I didn't see the appeal. Just a regular streamer with an anime girl avatar.
    I don't hate an anyone who does it/ likes Vtubers.
    However, now Youtube has been recommending me smaller Vtubers reacting to random stuff so decided to give it a go.
    While I dont physically watch the video (Most times I just autoplay videos while i listen at work) I've started to come around more.

  20. Those mad at him for going through 72 hours of content would be equally mad he mindlessly formed this opinion. He gave it a shot, saw the good and the bad and came with an informed opinion, you can't be mad at that.

  21. Man, this guy would really not like koseki bijou at all. The funny part is that I don't think that bijou is putting on a voice. I really believe that the way she sounds on steam is also the way she sounds irl. Bijou's laugh fits her voice too well for it to be fake, but also, some women just have higher pitch voices naturally. When the guy is showing Coco when talking about vtubers speaking japanese in a high-pitched voice, I find it odd because Coco actually used to just sound like that normally a lot of times. Most of the time, in hololive, the girls don't stick to acting as a character for more than a few weeks, although fuwamoco still do, but they are an exception.


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