WIN3 vs Steamdeck SD card reading speed comparison on HADES

Let’s do it right this time! 😉

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6 thoughts on “WIN3 vs Steamdeck SD card reading speed comparison on HADES”

  1. take a look at how much thicker it is (steam deck is thinner behind the screen where the processing components are)
    Also keep in mind the price point
    As well as with ntfs formatted drives can be recapped inside of other drives or it could be a second partition on the internal, could you show that neither of these are the case by showing us Disk Management?

  2. It looks like a DRM-free version, so you are avoiding Steam layer. It's Windows so you are avoiding Proton layer too. Also it's possible that cache is involved if you executed the game right before recording. Steam Deck will perform more or less the same under same conditions.

  3. The Steam Deck will be able to do this if you install Windows. Is not an Steam Deck vs GPD, this is Windows vs Linux Proton.

    Also if you opened it before it is normal for Windows to load faster the following times. Do this installing Linux on the GPD.


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