Zagreus speaking of his lineage tree – HADES

#Hades #Gameplay #Walktrough
Hades Gameplay


8 thoughts on “Zagreus speaking of his lineage tree – HADES”

  1. Hades is a bad dad, but he never teach Zagreus to hate him, more soo he want Zagreus to learn from his mistakes and be better 2018 Kratos style

    I do love despite the changes with the Greek Gods familly, Zeus being the one with most terrible temper while Hades is super chill are still most accurate
    They even got Ares right, hated for what he is being th God of bad side of War, but not who he is being a dude who really wants to learn about everything and extremely loyal to his wifes that they all consent about him having multiple wifes

    Even when he made Aphrodite cheat on Hephaestus, it was because Hephaestus story being married to Aphrodite is rather….. weird to say the least
    In some story Zeus made Aphrodite marry him because other gods were fighting too hard except Ares, in other version Heph actually BUY Aphrodite from Zeus with Money and its why when he captured Aph and Ares together he wants his "Payment" back which makes either Ares pay for it or Poseidon actually helping Ares(Ares still kill his children tho for sexual assault lmao)

    Even all the other Gods except Hermes was not amused that they were called for something they absolutely saw was coming


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