ZEUS, POSEIDON & HADES audio by @ZacSpeaksGiant

#animation #cartoon #greekmythology #zeus #poseidon #hades #funny


26 thoughts on “ZEUS, POSEIDON & HADES audio by @ZacSpeaksGiant”

  1. That's not how they decided not to be that nerd, but the actual way they figured out to draw what is faith put 3 names in 8 helmets, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades old drew from it just got heaven puts on God ocean and Hades got the underworld

  2. Do you expect hades to be evil? Like, hes the only thing keeping the dead from the mortals. You want a skeleton in your backyard? There are such an insane amount of people who have died throughout all of history that you'd be shoulder to shoulder with dead people at all times. Same with the grim reaper, hes just guiding them to the afterlife. Do you WANT to stay alive after losing all of your limbs and being trapped under a metric ton of rubble in an accident, bleeding horribly until you're a raisin?

  3. Poseidon: what if

    Zeus: iiiif?

    Poseidon: I put them together

    Zeus: sea horses?

    Poseidon: sea horses!

    Zeus: okkkkk that's actually not terrible sounding

    Poseidon: The males will have the babies!

    Zeus: yup there we go.

  4. Yea hades got the underworld and a lot of people think he got gypped but he also got domain of the earth and all the wealth under it he is litterally richer than the king of the gods zeus did not think that one through

  5. It's so funny that Zeus, and neither of the other two characters, is introduced by a narrator at the top of the scene. I like to think that's some minor prestidigitation he can call upon at a moment's notice. "ZEUS."

  6. Funny enough the underworld also includes everything actually under the ground, aka gold, gems and other precious stuff which makes hades the richest god. Im pretty sure thats actually real and not just a funny Internet technicality as well.

  7. Honestly, hades got the best deal: rhe underworld, every single human soul, regardless of wich olimpiam deity the said human worshiped and evert single tresure beneath the earth πŸ¦‰

  8. Actually, Zeus no era dios del cielo, sus dominios eran, entre otros:
    Γ‰ter: el mundo de llamas que se encuentra sobre el cielo
    Rey del Olimpo: rey de los dioses y de toda Grecia.
    Montes: era seΓ±or de la mayorΓ­a, si no todos los montes importantes de Grecia, desde el Olimpo hasta el Casio, pasando por ambos montes Ida.
    Creta: Era guardiΓ‘n de Creta y muchos otros lugares.
    Tradiciones y ritos: principalmente la "xenΓ­a" u hospitalidad, los juramentos y los sacrificios animales (de los que siempre sacaba la mejor parte)
    Ciudades: era guardiΓ‘n del Γ‘gora, el mercado y la ciudadanΓ­a
    NavegaciΓ³n: al ser dios de las tormentas, tambiΓ©n era patrΓ³n de los navegantes.
    Tormentas: era dios del rayo
    Juventud: en el periodo pre arcaico, era conocido como Kuiros o Koiros, rey de los coribantes y guardiΓ‘n de los jΓ³venes (kuros)
    Destino: era dios del destino, ya sea al imponerlo o impartirlo.

  9. πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ

  10. Gaia self forms, creates Uranos.

    Planet's dust compacts and spins, now their is delineation between Earth and sky.

    Uranos is a beater and hates some of their kids. Asteroid that killed the dinosaurs…

    The intelligensia of the ancient world probably had figured out more about the true nature of our world than they let on, and told it in myths because "a person is smart,…people panic".


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