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#AlwaysRightReviews #ARR #videogamereview #gamereview #gaming #greekmythology #zagreus #loreolympus
Awesome video!!!!
I see this game everywhere. Another indie gem that just blew up!
(Had to repost this because I forgot youtube doesn't like links and auto-deletes comments with them.)
This was a really good review of one of the best video games I have ever played (and this is coming from someone who hates rogue-likes, not because they are bad games, but because the RNG involved in them was never on my side). I agree with most things that you said in the review. For me the only thing I kind of disagree with is the emphasis on the RNG. While it does have RNG elements, they aren't as egregious as a "make or break" run. Since you can fully upgrade Zagreus with the mirror of night (along with all the weapons with titan blood), it always feels like you progress and "level up". The deaths in this game never felt unfair and they were almost always my own fault, but I learned from each attempt and got better at it (whereas with Binding of Isaac or Enter the Gungeon I never made it past the first few floors because of RNG bullshit). This game felt more like it was in control of the player rather than the game itself from random RNG. Hell with how great the story is, it came to a point where I was more interested in hearing the next section of whatever sub-plot was playing rather than doing the run itself with how well-written and engaging the experience was. This was definitely a game I got 100% completion in and after playing this game for almost 200 hours, the only complaint I ever had with it was that after you finish everything (main campaign, epilogue and side-quests) then the game starts becoming repetitive with farming darkness to fully upgrade everything (including your titles). However, to get to that point, you have to be playing this game for well over 120 hours and it is insanely addicting the whole way through.
I have a full review that I'll send to you over discord if you'd like to give it a read rather than me re-writing the whole thing here (totally optional).
Outside of that, loved the episode and look forward to seeing future content from you. Conveniently you released the video just in time because they actually just released pre-orders for the Zagreus pop-up parade figure with pre-orders open from Dec. 22 – Jan. 19 from Goodsmile. XD
Hope you have a Happy Holidays and I'll see you in the new year! 🙂