Only those who played this game on Chaos will understand how brutally difficult this encounter is. But zesty is just Insane to do with style and make it look easy.
I'm playing this fight on Chaos mode after barely surviving the Labyrinth and the game dosent refill my rage after the long fall. Please help! 😢. I always use up all my magic on the second head and in the end, I end up facing 2 satyrs and the dog with one hit's worth of health, no magic and so little rage that I can only attack twice or thrice before it's exhausted and I die.
I'll never understand how bro does this shit
The music makes you feel like you're ascending
Day 9 no shower streak 😂
Man, Zeus wrath divine hits different
Upload this remix
Assalam o alaekum Zesty brother your editing skills are out of this world
Only those who played this game on Chaos will understand how brutally difficult this encounter is.
But zesty is just Insane to do with style and make it look easy.
What were the songs?
Allah gives his hardest challenges to his whackiest Kurds
Nice. Also where are you at for zoe2?
This is literally the definition of art itself.
Nemean cestus is the cerberus destroyer.
That was amazing and new weapon change it super power ful it so Epic WOW AND THE MUSIC IS SO EPIC
Are you SURE you're not the greatest GoW player out there? This is the least spammy gameplay I've ever seen for this encounter.
Man I spent most of the time paying attention to the themes more than the gameplay
Zesty I need the song mix.
Its something I wanna blast on some speakers to pump me up.
Hey zesty, you still haveing problems with your bank?
Collisions do the full dmg though right?
Insane gameplay and music matchup keep it up Zesty man
The Art of Aggression
hardest boss in the series
How do you the double dash ?
The music slaps hard
Day 28 of commenting on every extreme gameplays video
If this armor is the representation of him, then Apollo is gotta be one hell of a weak god to only deals half damage yet take twice as much lmao
Besides the amazing gameplay that music tho it hits harddd
I'm playing this fight on Chaos mode after barely surviving the Labyrinth and the game dosent refill my rage after the long fall. Please help! 😢. I always use up all my magic on the second head and in the end, I end up facing 2 satyrs and the dog with one hit's worth of health, no magic and so little rage that I can only attack twice or thrice before it's exhausted and I die.
Pitbull named cupcake vs 2 year old toddler
What difficulty is it
If only Thor knew Kratos was this brutal back then.