Damned Designs Knives – Cerberus, Invictus, Fenrir and Hades

Thank you very much to Peter ( @A Therapeutic Edge ) for the opportunity to check out the Cerberus, Invictus, Fenrir and Hades!
I am so happy to see that Adrian went the budget route with these four models!!!

DD Cerberus: https://amzn.to/3zmZbHx
DD Invictus: https://amzn.to/3pPEI9S
DD Fenrir: https://amzn.to/2TqgLtB
DD Hades: https://amzn.to/3xprnI5

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A Theraputic Edge: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgSBKfaT7JdXryO3z3FVelw
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Ohio Blade and Cutlery: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKZOssLuDMIxJLNOuNxoapw
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MonDak Living: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmpQmz9vX_6XI09KVLQ60bw
Mild Mannered EDC: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKKRva4I3pA1RVyDR
Knife Chats with Tobias: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWJaySMZh624Zgc-9BD9T0w
KnivesFAST: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh6K4gWyqKGIrrjMWAnRAnA

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27 thoughts on “Damned Designs Knives – Cerberus, Invictus, Fenrir and Hades”

  1. I really liked the Invictus when I had it from the pass around group. I'm still in line to get the other three. I love everything about the Invictus, especially the ergos, pivot, blade and the very deep carry. I had to tie a lanyard because the carry is so deep. lol

  2. Hi JB. I'm going to try to get all four but my buddy is going to have to send them to me from the US. Amazon will not ship knives to Canada because of our CBSA Stormtroopers. Makes it hard but not impossible. Thankyou for yet another great video.
    From Canada 🇨🇦…stay safe my friend.

  3. I like all four, but choose two I say Hades(bladeshape and thumbstud) and Cerberus(bladeshape and thick handle) If i could only choose one it would be the Cerberus. Invictus and Fenrir come in shared second place. Not one knife that i would say nah not for me. But having all four on the table makes you wanting them all. Thank you JB for the review and Thanks to Peter for giving the opportunity to compare all four.

  4. Boy! I like all 4 but the Invictus and Cerberus are really nice! Birthday is coming up if anyone is feeling generous haha! Thanks for reviewing JB, great job as always.


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