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Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.
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#HadesII #Part7
More Gades 2
Have you heard of a game called Eastward, Retro?
More until its all the same!
I would think gifting Hypnos is how you wake him up. Probably get a relic on the first one either way.
the "Go Up" is probably what they're planning so omg??? We're definitely getting more than just 4 biomes !!
So what are we attacking olympus for? Is Hecate an ally of Chronos then? Does she need Mel for some kind of evil plan?
Retromation is actually Skelly’s latest incarnation 😛
RETO!! Are you gonna try the bew ravenswatch update? It literally changes everything and the power cieling is insane!
I wonder if there's any special interaction if you reach Hecate without taking any boons? Unlikely considering it's a test but would be neat
Here's a question for you, what happens if you best Hecate but afterwards before heading down and dying, you give up on the run? Does it still count as one of the 5 or not? If it doesn't then that may be better than sitting and dying to Hecate
Odysseus and Hecate working on going to Olympus is just the in game teaser for the other door when you are going to start a run, where it tells you that you cannot “go up” (yet)
This would be very cool if you can choose between 2 types of runs you can go through!
I will always comment for the frog
All the Olympian gods wear armor indicating chronos’ attack. So IMO we will go up there to fight the armies and the end boss will obviously be chronos
the dotted line on the healthbar is to indicate the 30% point for the regeneration arcana card, it heals 2 with each room but if you're below 30% you heal double that
I’ve been watching all of haelians videos on hades 2. It took me a solid 10 minutes to realize this is retro…