This is almost as bad as those TikTok content clippers, lol.
You used the months-old reveal trailer footage and gave a rehashed plot synopsis that tells us nothing new about the game. You're gonna have to try a bit harder than that if you want to cash in on the hype train– this is embarrassingly low-effort even for IGN.
useless trailer
What the absolute fk was this?
😊 … ❤❤❤ .. 👍👍👍 .
Where is the rest of it?
Perfect game for gamepass ❤
Just lost a subscriber with this bull %#$& fing click bait video. I'm out.
Hacked ?
This has mad AI voiceover vibes
Lazy ahh ”trailer”
Worst trailer ever for one of the best games ever… embarrassing
stay classy IGN
that ended very jarringly.
VA is AI? what's going on?
Time to downvote this into oblivion team
Wtf was that? That was nothing thanks for your 30 seconds of unrequested opinion 😂
This is not a Trailer 💀
Official Trailer myass
Yeah but what about Zagreus? Is he also trapped or is this a prequel?
TF is this?
This isn't a trailer, this is just someone talking about a game
Is that it. Ign really will post anything for a quick buck
The comments really know how to roast someone
The comments really know how to roast
What a waste of my 30 seconds
Congratu-fuckyou-lations IGN. You made me click
😂wow, just wow
This is almost as bad as those TikTok content clippers, lol.
You used the months-old reveal trailer footage and gave a rehashed plot synopsis that tells us nothing new about the game. You're gonna have to try a bit harder than that if you want to cash in on the hype train– this is embarrassingly low-effort even for IGN.
make this into an anime man
What was the point of this?
This is nothing
This is not a trailer. Please stop with these misleading videos.
will there be gyros?
IGN are you okay
The first game is one of the best games ever. Can't wait for this sequel 🙂
I'm so excited for this game and am now just pissed at this nothing trailer this offers no new information and maybe two seconds of new gameplay
Lol how does this have more than 1 like?
Please takedown this pointless video
This "Show Trailer" coulda been an email
This should be reported for misinformation. You voiced over old gameplay and called it a trailer.
This was pointless. Instead of making me excited this just irritates me
Click bate
Yo. What the heck kind of trailer is this?? Booooooooo.
Calling this a trailer is a flat out lie. Piss off