Lightgazers plays Hades hell mode #7! 37 attempts, 25 escapes! i definately haz problems

37 attempts, 25 escapes. im proud of that record and ashamed that in 12 hours i had only 7 attempts. i need to do better!

as per SuperGiant games –
You’re welcome to stream or create Let’s Play-style videos of our games, and monetize them if you want. You’re welcome to use our music as part of such content.

they also ask that i post a link to their product page on the platform i am playing from… so here!


If any other streamer/content creator is displayed in the video, the description of this stream will be updated after stream to reflect who was ‘captured’. GO CHECK THEM OUT! My intent is not to leech off anyone elses fame, but rather to give them props for being awesome (or in some cases do my job as a moderator while i still stream myself). Part of a Multi-lurk thing. My content is boring, theirs is awesome. Go watch them instead. You have my blessing.


All music heard are listed under a Creative Commons License. as such. unrevokable permission was given so long as i list them here.

Intro: remix of ff8 balamb garden, done by myself. – square enix
Intro: remix of great divine intervention – okami – capcom.

Brb scene: self made animation of “Wall Market theme” (original ff7, ps1) – square enix

Raid: Depends on which one I use, They’re all animations i made with either original music from me, or heavily remixed music done by me (Zombies on your lawn heavily remixed by me, with different vocals – Laura Shigihara, possibly popcap/EA).

Outtro: Heavily remixed animation/sound of Midna’s lament from Zelda: Twilight princess.


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