Hades Ambushes Cypress At Vinewood Bowl… (Multipov) | Nopixel 4.0 GTA RP

#lordkebun #gtarp #nopixel #gg #mdm #cg #changgang #gulaggang #buddha #mandem


17 thoughts on “Hades Ambushes Cypress At Vinewood Bowl… (Multipov) | Nopixel 4.0 GTA RP”

  1. these hades legit are weird as fuck like they out all tsunami hunting speedy and locco but once more people wake up from cypress they go into hiding the rest of storm like what kind of weird ass shit is that and they seem to always know stuff

  2. either both sides are extremely unlucky or hades is actively avoiding the cypress 6 men convoy. cypress fighting ballas 3 times in 3 hours while hunting hades is kinda ridiculous. the only time hades jump in is when they third party an ongoing gang fight.


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