Look, I like Hades, I really do. But that last statement was hypocritical as hell (I agree with all the other ones though). If we're gonna hold Zeus accountable for incest, we have to hold Hades accoubtable as well. Otherwise we just have to accept that it was sonething that happened in Greek Mythology.
Finally, I would like to make it clear that I am not trying to attack The Mythology Guy. I greatly enjoy his content and am fully aware that all of this is meant with humor in mind. I simply felt that that last statement was somewhat hypocritical and felt the the need to point it out.
I never understood why Zeus supposed to have better chances with women as an animal? He can have any form right? Then if normally he isnt actually atractive he could just make himself hansdome. Or is this his or every greek womans fethis?
Loki is way hornier
Yeah…lets not forget that Zeus had done "the thing" with 3 different women in the same lineage that lead to Heracles
If you had been there, I betcha you would have done the same.
-as Zues is being pummeled.
Zeus thinks he live in Alabama
I didn't know that Zeus is from Alabama
Zeus’s reaction: oh! Small world.
The most time I see this type of videos.
The more I appreciate to beat the shit out of Zeus in God of War III.
Hades, she is your niece!
Look, I like Hades, I really do. But that last statement was hypocritical as hell (I agree with all the other ones though). If we're gonna hold Zeus accountable for incest, we have to hold Hades accoubtable as well. Otherwise we just have to accept that it was sonething that happened in Greek Mythology.
Finally, I would like to make it clear that I am not trying to attack The Mythology Guy. I greatly enjoy his content and am fully aware that all of this is meant with humor in mind. I simply felt that that last statement was somewhat hypocritical and felt the the need to point it out.
Ah yes… Zeus, the ultimate rapist.
Dude, what if Hera discovered what divorce is?
Zeus: I missed the part where that's my problem.
Hades: She. Is. Your. Daughter!
Zeus: She is? Wait-who’s your wife again?
I didn't know that Persethany {sorry. I spelled her name} was Zeuss daughter
I'm sorry zeus did
Zeus went after everything. He probably tried to sleep with tidal waves.
Hey can you do one video of the Puerto Rican gods since I'm from there but I dont believe in them
I never understood why Zeus supposed to have better chances with women as an animal? He can have any form right? Then if normally he isnt actually atractive he could just make himself hansdome. Or is this his or every greek womans fethis?
Honestly Hades really thought he was gonna give a fuck
Unfortunately, true
Zues God of banging
Zeus’s wife is also his sister
the dislikes are from Zeus and his supporters
Sweet old alabama
Didnt hades kidnap and force his wife too marry him agaisnt her will my making so she can never leave?
Hide your kids hide your wife Zeus is horny.
I m Greek but I like the humour of this guy. Not offensive but it's funny.
I want Loki to come past and give Zeus a taste of his own medicine, transform into… oh I dunno… a six legged horse and bang him in his sleep 😂😂😂