Hades confronts Zeus

#mythology #hades #zeus #persephone #greece #olympus #percyjackson #comedy


26 thoughts on “Hades confronts Zeus”

  1. Hades, she is your niece!

    Look, I like Hades, I really do. But that last statement was hypocritical as hell (I agree with all the other ones though). If we're gonna hold Zeus accountable for incest, we have to hold Hades accoubtable as well. Otherwise we just have to accept that it was sonething that happened in Greek Mythology.

    Finally, I would like to make it clear that I am not trying to attack The Mythology Guy. I greatly enjoy his content and am fully aware that all of this is meant with humor in mind. I simply felt that that last statement was somewhat hypocritical and felt the the need to point it out.

  2. I never understood why Zeus supposed to have better chances with women as an animal? He can have any form right? Then if normally he isnt actually atractive he could just make himself hansdome. Or is this his or every greek womans fethis?


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