Hades gets the PD firing squad during a Fleeca. | GTA NoPixel 4.0


#NoPixel #gtarp


24 thoughts on “Hades gets the PD firing squad during a Fleeca. | GTA NoPixel 4.0”

  1. For context they had other actives they went to get the hostage. Hades didn’t like they were not going to get a chase which is a pick me situation and decided to threaten the hostage, tell Houston to radio in false claims to get more response, threat to shoot and rob him, claimed they had snipers on the roof to get more of a response. I’m more so flabbergasted that they thought this would end well. This has happen to others too doing similar things and unfortunately I kinda agree with it because you set a bad precedent when you allow it.

    I get wanting it to be special for kit but this wasn’t the way to achieve that goal. The end results is mald and not understanding your actions had consequences

  2. Server dead? Barely anybody waking up? fck it let's make anybody cops and be aggressive af because we have numbers now, that'll make ppl play again. Cops literally shooting without even confirming anything, Ming jumped off a roof of a hospital with no gun and got shot when it could've been 10 other ppl on that roof shooting.Then thst same cop beat down 3 ppl in 10 seconds lol. Server was better with no cops around

  3. What happen to free passage….. ? Just cuz Ray threathen the hostage like he FUKING SUPPOSE TO DO, in the end where the fuk is the rp. This is stupid to watch 😂 saw people said he threathen the cops, ok so? It does not takes 2 together that people are just playing a video game and trying to have fun. This is classic copixel. Even Buddha didnt like that many cops for just a chase, that escalated into shooting. But obviously he wont do shit as a server owner.
    This should be a definite valid green flag for gangs just to shoot the hostage because gangs will get shot anyways.

  4. The whole point of having a hostage is that their life is in danger the moment you grab them off the street until the point they are left with the police. So what is the reason for breaching if anything cops should be negotiating with criminals to try and keep the hostage alive not just say we will breach you.


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