Hades I and II Trailer Reaction

Have had a lot of requests to check out the Hades games as we were told we would really like the first one. We are doing a reaction for trailers for the first game and the trailer that came out for Hades II.

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32 thoughts on “Hades I and II Trailer Reaction”

  1. fun fact, the animation for the hades 1 trailer, and possibly the hades 2 trailer but im not sure, was done by spencer wans animation studio, he is someone who also worked on the second spiderverse movie, as well as recent cartoons like the owl house and castlevania, with varying levels of involvement

  2. Hades is incredible. I've been a huge fan of Supergiant Games since their first game, Bastion. They've always done great stories through out their games and were always praised for their work but Hades was the game that really blew up for everyone for such a success that it was. It has great gameplay, beautiful soundtrack, incredible story, all wrapped into this love letter of a game. I think you guys would really enjoy it. Rogue-likes can be daunting at first for some people because of difficulty but Hades does such a great job at it. Dying is part of the game, you get new dialogues, you meet new characters and improve along the way. The further you go, the more you want to learn about the story, hence the more you want to play. It's easily one of my favorite games of all time.

  3. I've played Hades and it's an amazing game, really fun combat, beautiful artsyle, great writing and characters (Dusa best girl don't @ me), I'm not too sure it's conducive to streaming though. Since you're going to be doing a lot of runs, a lot of death, completing a run takes a lot of time, skill and luck. And even if you finish a run, it's not the end of the game. You need to complete multiple runs to get the whole story. It's a lot more effective and enjoyable as something you play on your own, something you can either just knock out a handful of attempts for an hour or settle in for an evening to try and do as much as possible.

  4. Hades is a great game, and a good entry level for Rogue-lites, if you're not familiar with those. Basically, you're supposed to start a run, get as far as you can, then likely die, at which point you start back in a hub zone of sorts and can prepare for your next attempt. Each time you do you gain a little more experience to level up some abilities permanently, but the majority of the powers you gained in the previous run will be lost, forcing you to gain new powers each attempt. Each run takes about 30 minutes to an hour.

    Once you get a little stronger and gain more knowledge of the enemies and threats awaiting you you'll start to progress a little further, honing what powers you want to aim for to form a more powerful build and combo different skills together to help you survive longer, until you eventually succeed, but success doesn't mean the game is over. Your first successful run will likely come after about 30-50 attempts, unless you're really good, but it takes many successes to get the full story. The game will also throw the odd curve ball at you, like different bosses and unexpected encounters.

    There's also a TON of characters and even more dialogue, making it worth your time to talk to everyone you can between runs and you'll encounter other characters in the middle of each run as well, with new dialogue in each new encounter. Seriously the amount of voice acting that went into this game is insane and all of it is brilliant. There's a ton of things to unlock, loads to see and do, the combat is fast paced, hard to master and very satisfying when you do. And if you get really good, you can even increase the difficulty, making bosses have new attacks and abilities, changing the kinds of threats you face and forcing you to experience a whole new game almost, all to further test your skills and grow your character faster and unlock even more stuff.

    The sequel looks like it'll be just as good too.

  5. Honestly one of the best games I've played, its like the character never run out of things to say after a run, and hades himself became my favorite character, could tell that he really loves his son

  6. Hades is a perfect blend of digestible and compelling. It saves after every room of progress, so if you've got just ten minutes, fight your way through a couple of rooms. If you've got an hour, do a run or two. If you've got an evening, keep throwing yourself into it and you'll get a decent little chunk of the story.
    I cannot say enough good things about this game. Zagreus is endlessly charming, his interactions with the rest of the characters are really fun, the combat is riveting and Darren Korb's soundtrack absolutely slays- pun intended. I was already a Supergiant fan, but this was probably their crowning achievement… so far.
    Can't wait to see where Hades 2 takes us.

  7. 0:00: 💀 Ken and Bethany react to the trailer for Hades 2, a game that has been highly requested by viewers and features humor and death as central themes.
    6:03: 🎮 The trailer showcases the gameplay and humor of the game Hades.
    10:11: 💡 The main character's charisma and wit, along with the engaging dialogue, make the game appealing.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  8. The only thing better than Hades' gameplay is its story! It is one of the best depictions of Greek mythology ever made, the characters are incredible, and there's something like 40,000 lines of dialogue!


  9. Hades is a fantastic roguelike. One of the pinnacles of the genre. The story also unfolds over multiple winning runs so theres always a reason to keep going and keep winning. Its like winning rewards you with a new episode of story. Every time you die you'll also come back and there will be somethin new in the house to check out and plenty of people to talk to.

    Roguelikes are difficult but they are LEARNABLE. The more you play the better you get and with most Roguelikes including Hades there are permanent upgrades to make your life easier.

    The story of Hades centers around Hades' son Zagreus as he attempts to fight his way out of the Underworld. The Gods of Olympus send down boons to help you on your journey.

  10. Very good game, roguelikes are one of my favorite genre with the Binding of Isaac being my highest time in game of all time. This lacks all of the variance, synergistic chaos and content in tBoI, but it's got tighter and more refined design and is probably a good jumping in point for new players of roguelikes. Plus it's stunning from an art perspective. SuperGiant make pretty games but Hades is something else and it did so well that this will be their first sequel.

    "Never the same run twice" is the whole point of these games the word rogue-like references an ancient game from the 80s called Rogue which was one of the first to introduce randomly constructed dungeons. Basically there is an algorithm that builds out a whole dungeon floor by floor and it's your job to ascend it as it becomes more difficult. Along the way you make choices and trade-offs to build your character for that singular run to give yourself the best chances. Each floor is typically capped by a skill check like a boss for example to proceed to the next. If you die, you start all over from floor 1, but now the rooms are randomly rearranged. New enemies, new items, different opportunities. Sometime you get fucked by bad RNG and sometimes its just piss easy because you get the best items, the only constant is you as a player get better and each time instinctively get farther in the run because you know what you are doing. You can't in good faith put a "length" on these kind of games, in Hades to get the true ending you have to clear all five levels 10 times. This can take 8 hours if you're experienced or 100 to build the skills to make that possible.

  11. I still can not point a bad side in first Hades. The gameplay is full of good action, the story and text are both amazing, art is good, soudtrack kicks ass… and sure, there are A LOT of things to do in the game. I can't spoiler much, but I can say that "escape from Hades" is just ONE of the things to do…

  12. I'm not sure where I should put requests, so I just watched your latest reaction (looks good!) and would like to add, the newest Wow Classic trailer is out and it's great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjuN1dE50VI Fall of the Lich King, If you didn't know World of Warcraft has been re-releasing Wow starting at the beginning and they're currently in the Lich King era, running on Classic servers as we speak. It started about 5 years ago and there's quite a few good trailers involved.

  13. One of my favorite games of all time. I just about flew when a sequel was announced. It was amazing essentially "growing up" with Hades 1 because I started well into early access. And got to live a lot of the complete overhauls

  14. Honestly i rarely pay attention to most games that touch on Hellenic faith, but this is one of the few i appreciate because it stays more accurate than most portralys of the Gods (ofc taking some libirties but i think thats fine)

  15. Rogue likes typically don't have a ton of story but this game is absolutely jam packed with story, action, and the soundtrack is phenomenal! Can't recommend it enough!

  16. Hades is a masterpiece in basically every regard. The story is great and tries to stay faithfull to greek mythology while technically adding an original plot and MC, the gameplay is addictive and gives literally infinite replay value, the artstyle and music are chef's kiss and the characters are all likeable.


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