Hades just trying to do his job – Nicque Marina


36 thoughts on “Hades just trying to do his job – Nicque Marina”

  1. Hades is the most honorable of the Gods. Everyone else on Olympus was a spoiled child bickering at siblings, having affairs, and just messing with other people. Hades was the responsible salaryman who clocked into work every day doing a necessary job that nobody wanted to do. He didn't mess with mortals. He was faithful to his wife. And while he may have been stern father to his son, he was always shown love.

    So, Hades, you are the goat and death, while terrifying, is inevitable .

  2. This goes for pretty much all cthonic gods. Thanatos (the myth one not the marvel one) gets shoved in a vase and tied up for taking a soul to the underworld upon her death, AND THAT IS HIS JOB HE IS A DEATH GOD.

  3. xD And this is why Hades is the best of the big three, his brothers are just menaces to society in like… every conceivable way. Like Zeus literally had to try and hook Poseidon up with Amphitrite just to get his tantrums to stop burying cities…

  4. Hades, ares, and Hephaestus were pretty much the only gods who just wanted to do their jobs, everyone else was causing so many problems either due to jealousy, couldn’t keep it in their pants, boredom, or a mixture of all 3


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