Hades | PART 1

Pikasprey goes on a quest to escape the underworld.

Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAJ2qP4mpWrz6AM1Tc-AukDkt6xQvzQsg
Horror One-Offs Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAJ2qP4mpWrwG3X81X0B-eiRD8T8ydrtd
Mystery Horror Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAJ2qP4mpWrxABCF1FtJyjVyQvU7o7N-a
RPG Maker Games Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAJ2qP4mpWrwS4zsJgXaIej7qrSwdHvmt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pikasprey


21 thoughts on “Hades | PART 1”

  1. Hey Asprey, have you considered doing a run of Yugioh Arc-V Tag Force? The translation that Xeno made of it is pretty meh, constant references to abridged and such which gets annoying, but the game itself is really good. You get to open real life OCG packs that have the same set list up to secret of evolution. Probably the best of the PSP games in terms of cards, and the tag ai is uh interesting to say the least. Itd be hilarious to watch if you're interested in it.

  2. if you enjoy the rogue-like/lite genre id recommend "enter the gungeon" to you. That one brought me the most fun. but there are a lot of great other titles in that genre too

  3. This game looks awesome. Soundtrack sounds fantastic, voice acting is great + the special effects that the audio engineers did for the voices and really help set the tone, artwork in terms of style and color combos are very pleasant as well.
    I'm not a fan of playing this game genre, so watching pika play it is very nice so I can get a taste of its ambient presentation.

  4. Don't be afraid of saying the names of the characters wrong
    The general consensus is that all of the latinized names in greek mythology are just not how you're supposed to pronounce it
    I don't want you to ramble for 20 minutes about character name pronounciations like you always do


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