Hades is a roguelike action role-playing video game developed and published by Supergiant Games. The game was released for Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch on September 17, 2020, which followed an early access release from December 2018. Players control Zagreus, the son of Hades, as he attempts to escape from Underworld to reach Mount Olympus, at times aided by gifts bestowed on him from the other Olympians. Each run challenges the player through a random series of rooms populated with enemies and rewards, and the player uses a combination of their main weapon attack, dash power, and magic ability to defeat them while avoiding damage to progress as far as possible. While Zagreus will often die, the player can use gained treasure to improve certain attributes or unlock new weapons and abilities to improve chances of escaping on subsequent runs.
I’ve been streaming a variety of games over on twitch! You can find my channel here ► https://www.twitch.tv/MFPallytime
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That social media nonsense.
End card Music: Peacock by 7 Minutes Dead
Pally please try the hidden shield aspect its soooooooooo good
7:49 you didn't have the diamonds last time
13:52 ONCE AGAIN . You simply take fewer boons overall
did anyone tell pally that Bouldy gives like 6 boons, cast dmg, attack dmg, special dmg, movement speed, dmg reduction and ambiguity bonus. it depends on what will Zagreus say too.
finally got the game … you never said that the game is actually hard .. wth ?? 10 runs and i still cant beat theseus =D
backseatgaming was so much easier
The duo boon between Poseidon and Artemis would be spectacular for this build. It gives your cast a second projectile.
Pally, would you kinldy give Ambrosia to Skelly, please?
If you want boons like exit wounds to happen more often, then you need to fill the attack, special, cast, dash and call boon slots first, the game does prioritize filling those slots
my mans gotta get aspect of arthur for the sword, that shit chunks.
Please, do not forguet again to speak to the aegis. XD
Also, you sould try the other hidden aspects. The Escalibur is really nice with Athena and/or Ares.
dont forget to go have a conversation with your shield
Pally, as long as you are farming darkness, consider switching from Cthonic Vitality (recover hp in every room) to the mirror ability that heals you for 60% of all darkness you pickup.
I really enjoy the story and I'm glad you're as invested in it as we are!
And you still haven't talked to your shield! Comeon Pally, Χάος is literally begging you to awaken it!
day 8 sleeping on aspect of talos fists 😉
If you're doing farming runs for Darkness, you should definitely use the Dark Regeneration talent. You'll restore way more health than +3 per chamber.
Pally, best way to farm darkness is to repeat low-heat runs. You get 100 darkness every repeat boss kill. A little boring sure, but still worth doing.
Has enough money to finally get something on his attack n chooses not to.. then wonders y he has a difficult time with this game like wtf
Viewer engagement ♥
Are you gonna play RoR2 any time soon?
Pally if your going to farm darkness then you should also save gold to buy the gemtitan blood from the last shop.
21:40 oh you sweet summer child
"We have so much gold" I mean… You got the +64% gold at the start of the game 😀
Three for a coven according to most nerd lore 🤓 🤘
i had rail special build where i 3 hit hydra one hit per phase
Personally I don't get the 'Aphrodite is top tier' idea. Weak only matters if you are getting hit…
This game needs a colorblind mode. I constantly see you pass up infernal shrines which could give you goodies (especially when you’re specifically talking about farming darkness), and I think it’s because you can’t see the green flames on the chest….
Theseus-"You must take sick appalling pleasure in defeat hellspawn!"
Pally- "Pretty rude, my dude. I'm trying my best over here."
Says the guy who stomps these two 95% of the time! 😂
Love your video. So happy you finally got the Exit Wound !