#hadesrng #hadesrngroblox
GAME LINK: https://www.roblox.com/games/16556777270/Hades-RNG-In-dev#!/game-instances
MY DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/t3KqH2WnWY
Ya’ll should subscribe frfr, recently I’ve become a fan of hades RNG and I believe in the game’s ability so stick around if you do too.
yo thx bro, ive been tryna grind the items but idk where they spawn, W vid
Good vid but how does it tell you where they are on your screen??
Can you do how to afk farm while collecting items
bro got robbed from cc 🙏 we gotta help bro
1st 0:25
2nd 0:40
3rd 0:54
4th and 5th 1:14
6th Area 1:28
7th area 1:38
8th area 1:54