I can’t believe the underworld denizons, who are IMMORTAL and thus have all the time in the world on their hands, and sometimes live on a SEA of boiling LAVA, were too impatient to caramelize an onion.
In game Achilles being salty over an onion is probably one of ny favorite things. Our salty, moody, tempermental boy is still in there under all that angst!
0:31, darn those beetles, too bad no god can save you there Zag
Why you do best girl Artemis like that in the vid man
Probably a dumb question but what are you doing to Lady Artemis?
Is the one at 1:20 a boss?
What i expected when i heard the first time of this game:
Zagreus: "Angst, anger, blood, FAAAAAAATHER!, more angst and blood"
What i got:
Zagreus (after dying theuncounted time): "Hey everyone. How is unlife treating you."
5:18 OMG it happened! Hades praised us.
Imagining Zagreus wanting to make friends with a snake only to get bitten and die :'(((((
I can’t believe the underworld denizons, who are IMMORTAL and thus have all the time in the world on their hands, and sometimes live on a SEA of boiling LAVA, were too impatient to caramelize an onion.
3:54 LOL, for being the murderous male phobic goddess in the legends, I can't help but find her cute with reactions like that…
How very on-brand of Achilles, known dumbass from the Achaeans, to be too prideful to want to cry from onions.
Completely agree with Achilles, onions are EVIL
SMALL YET DEADLY BEETEL WHEEEZ those deaths get funnier and funnier
The narrator is just describing more and more dumb ways to die…
so many dumb ways to die…
In game Achilles being salty over an onion is probably one of ny favorite things. Our salty, moody, tempermental boy is still in there under all that angst!
Achilles: writes extraordinarily detailed and delightful Codex entries for everything in the game.
Also Achilles: basically writes “but fuck onions in particular.”