Hades is a roguelike action role-playing video game developed and published by Supergiant Games. The game was released for Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch on September 17, 2020, which followed an early access release from December 2018. Players control Zagreus, the son of Hades, as he attempts to escape from Underworld to reach Mount Olympus, at times aided by gifts bestowed on him from the other Olympians. Each run challenges the player through a random series of rooms populated with enemies and rewards, and the player uses a combination of their main weapon attack, dash power, and magic ability to defeat them while avoiding damage to progress as far as possible. While Zagreus will often die, the player can use gained treasure to improve certain attributes or unlock new weapons and abilities to improve chances of escaping on subsequent runs.
I’ve been streaming a variety of games over on twitch! You can find my channel here ► https://www.twitch.tv/MFPallytime
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That social media nonsense.
End card Music: Peacock by 7 Minutes Dead
God save the Queen
Zag saved the queen
God save the Queen
God save the queen
God save the Queen! 🙂
Such a good song.
God save the Queen!
God save the queen, because we brought her home.
Yeaaah!! Shave the queen!!
god save the queen, cause we brought her home
Yea…if you went to that quest in the lava place I think you would have been treated to something special.
God save the Queen
Her fascist regime 🙂
God save the Queen!
God save the queen, my dude. This game is fucking epic.
God save the Queen!
I really thought the last one would have been from Asterius. Ah well.
God save the Queen!
They need a dlc where you can fight cerb and remove him from your house. Make him stay in styx!
God save the Queen. I enjoyed your adventure Pally, and hope you continue through to the final conflict and help out Ma and PopPop. Keep making the great content, maybe do more of this on stream since the main series is over now?
God save the queen! Lol
Honestly the sound design, voice acting, singing etc is so top tier in this game. Easliy tops everything else for me
God save the Queen.
God save the queen because we brought her home.
Olympus save the Queen…wait that's what we don't want.
"God save the Queen" 🙂
God save the queen
Legitimately my favorite weapon and aspect for it.
Deadly Flourish from Artemis
Explosive Upper and if you can, Long Knuckle from hammer.
Chilling on auto attacks, then get the Demeter boon where they cause an explosion at 10 Stacks.
Urge to Kill, Blade cast and the call from Ares which will give you the chance from Artemis or Ares to give you tracking casts.
So good.
For the upper-cut combo I generally count 2 salvos and 2 punches – uppercut and repeat
God save the Queen indeed! Well done Pally!
Hmm, I did not expect that. The Greek mythology is darker and … very different to this. For those who are interested. Zag is actually the son of Zeus and Persephone. Hera, being jealous, sends the Titans after Zag to kill him – which they do. They tear him into 7 parts and eat him. Zeus, angry about that, kills the Titans and burns them to ash. The rain then mixes the ash together with the remains of Zag. And out of that Prometheus forms the humans.
PS: Zag save the queen 😉
God save the queen.
… and someone save that mic. If Meg gets any closer she'll swallow it.
Gods save the Queen!
Viewer engagement ♥
God Save the Queen! What a great ending. That's got to be one of the best credit rolls that I've ever seen.
God save the queen, congrats Pally!
God save the Queen! Also, talk to that poor skeleton!
God save the queen 😉