Hades | Time to Master The Sword | #25

Hades is a roguelike action role-playing video game developed and published by Supergiant Games. The game was released for Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch on September 17, 2020, which followed an early access release from December 2018. Players control Zagreus, the son of Hades, as he attempts to escape from Underworld to reach Mount Olympus, at times aided by gifts bestowed on him from the other Olympians. Each run challenges the player through a random series of rooms populated with enemies and rewards, and the player uses a combination of their main weapon attack, dash power, and magic ability to defeat them while avoiding damage to progress as far as possible. While Zagreus will often die, the player can use gained treasure to improve certain attributes or unlock new weapons and abilities to improve chances of escaping on subsequent runs.

I’ve been streaming a variety of games over on twitch! You can find my channel here ► https://www.twitch.tv/MFPallytime

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That social media nonsense.

End card Music: Peacock by 7 Minutes Dead



50 thoughts on “Hades | Time to Master The Sword | #25”

  1. I'm terrible at this game…but one of my best sword runs was with a hammer upgrade that makes the attack heal everytime you hit with it…I feel like you'd enjoy it so keep your eye out for it

  2. I've been saying it and will say it again, embrace diversity in this game. Always take boons whenever you can. Always use everything in your arsenal. Always optimise for the mirror bonuses (i.e. Stick crystals in foes, backstab, etc). If you want to tackle higher punishment, you need to change your playstyle. You can't hope to stick to 1 or 2 gods and get good outcomes every run. If you want to win consistantly, embrace diversity. Takes a bit of work to get used to it, but trust me, once you're there, you can't stop.

  3. the sword is officially my fave after i unlocked the last aspect. also using the sword you're always living on the edge, best to take the life steal hammer buff honestly. i found it makes the sword alot easier to be hyper aggressive aswell as replacing the extra lives with the 1 extra life per room (is the alt version of the +3 lives in the mirror) like if you do the math it's just flat out better in every way it's like having a life you can throw away every room because it keeps refreshing when you complete the rooms

  4. Hey Pally, still loving the Hades content!
    Quick tip: the final weapon variations with ???? names are revealed after you unlock 5 or 6 of the other variations in total, so it may be wise to spend a few titan bloods to unlock the other weaps even if you don't use them!

  5. Hey Pally, really loving the content!
    If you were gonna try blade rift build again, definitely try some Artemis boons in there for no reason at all
    Also kinda small but you never checked the other mirror trait on the higher epic chance.

  6. Why not doom on your special and then throw it in once every time doom aint there and something else that stacks on your main weapon attack like the posion or the chill effect that is getting better by hitting much.

  7. If you're going to take the "take less damage and do more damage when you have no cast" you be putting those out asap every time. It's 20% more damage and 10% less damage while you have no cast.

  8. Another thing you could work on pally is keeping your cast on targets especially bosses. There's a mirror talent that either gives you more damage or causes them to do less damage bases on the number of casts in them.

  9. Please for the love of all that is holy.. SLOW DOWN!!! You miss so many fishing spots and urns with gold etc. You don't need to speed through it all unless you have the timer on.

  10. Small trick with those little exploding chariots – you can kite them into the wall (like Asterius) , they will explode aand you dont have to take unnecesary damage 😉
    And regarding guided ares cast, they are possible, but they require duo boon (with artemis i think), i would recommend to check codex so you knopw what to take to have chance to get it

  11. Hey pally! Would you like a little bit of spoiler free coaching?
    I think you might have hit the wall most players hit while playing this game.
    It would take you to the next level of enjoying this game 😁

  12. hey pally idk if you know but there is a perk in the mirror that lets you recover health every time you pick up darkness and I find it to be very useful on a lot of runs. Also if you look in the contractors menu you can buy a bed for cerberus. seems like it would be on brand for you to do that haha. enjoying the videos!


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