Run starts at 1:46
Possibly the luckiest AP2 run I’ve ever had simply for the fact that I was allowed to grab both Deadly Flourish and Charged Skewer in Tartarus. Tried some attack-based builds in attempts before this, but they rarely felt very good. RI2 putting you at 25 health to start is pretty scary, but honestly Charged Skewer made the run feel relatively safe later on. Overall not as difficult as I expected. I need more practice with using all of GY besides dash-strike to special weaving, but this is fine for now.
Can't believe this is possible lol
He would literally get one shotted if he gets hit with Gwan Yu's abysmal hp and double damage.
Truly a legend.
this weapon sucks imo. requires a godly player for it to be good for high heat.
Woah well done
Is Guan Yu supposed to be a meme weapon? It is absolutely trash with the hp reduction.
Great job again! Do I see some Retrash (Shame Town) influence there with the AP2+TD2 strat? Doing it with Guan Yu is ballsy, congrats
amazing!! love your runs
lol, wow. A few hours ago, I watched haelian lose to em4 hades in phase 3 on 50 heat. Then this poppped up in my notifications. <takes notes> "Don't play against em4 hades on 50 heat." Got it. Tailesque, one thing (out of many) that sets you apart over all other players is how you navigate hades spin attacks. I haven't seen another player consistently avoid taking damage on hades spins like you do. And that battle against em3 asterius/theseus was flawless. only lost 2 charges out of the acorn. Unreal. I'm glad youtube recommended this channel because I wouldn't have believed it without seeing it.
Bro, this is amazing. You're the best I've ever seen. This is inspiring aswell.