Xbox Series X|S Gameplay
Part 2
Hades is a 2020/2021 dungeon crawler video game, released on all major platform included mobile and Switch. However, this game play was taken on the Xbox Series X|S it is Currently on the upload of this video, on Xbox Game Pass Which I would recommend to try out. The game in unforgiving and very hard at 1st as you have low health and hardly any power ups but, the more you play and die you return a little more powerful and knowledgeable the next time around. This give an addictive feeling on grinding and getting further each time and discovering new levels and enemies. Giving that old classic gaming feeling where levels felt impossible at 1st but after a few tries you where the invincible one.
It has received many praises from other game reviews and has rated highly on most game review score. I would highly recommend this game.
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