Hell Hades collab on Arena problems and potential fixes | Raid Shadow Legends

Hell Hades collab on Arena problems and potential fixes | Raid Shadow Legends

Talking with Hell Hades about the recent issues with Arena: this was recorded before the announced changes.
Check out HellHades on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HellHades and his website: www.hellhades.com

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23 thoughts on “Hell Hades collab on Arena problems and potential fixes | Raid Shadow Legends”

  1. 🤠Check out HellHades on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HellHades and his website: http://www.hellhades.com
    🤠Find all my Music on SoundStripe by using code DEADWOODJEDI for a 15% discount with this link: https://www.soundstripe.com/?fpr=deadwoodjedi

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  2. I didn't join a clan until I absolutely had to for a progress mission because I wasn't sure how involved the clans were. I don't like pvp that much and I really just max out my social interactions at work. Surprisingly I like clan v clan okay but there is no forming strategies with clan members and I generally just focus on completing tasks that I need to do anyhow for some extra rewards. Arena is such a headache because I ALSO need to finish building my clan boss team. I ALSO need to work on my dungeon teams at some point to complete any of the fusions and I ALSO want my great hall to help with all of that. Arena seems like much damn work for any little reward. Down the road I'm sure I'd like it just for the new challenge at least some but it's too much too soon on so many things in this game. It's overwhelming. I definitely don't want more pvp though. If that becomes necessary like arena seems to be I'll more than likely leave the game. I play games to relax and unwind not get stressed out.

  3. If you're collecting gold medals because you filled your great hall, unlock a medal shop that allows you to purchase high end gear that has a great special, but only triggers in gold 5/platinum arena.

  4. Arena has changed from a mostly routine activity to being a supreme royal pain the equivalent of pushing plat every day. I used to leave a single arbiter on defense and I worked through my tokens enough to maintain my relative ranking. I miss that arena. Today's arena is full of very difficult defenses, and the rise of defensive teams that do not kill you, but just exist to "draw" and waste the player's time. I've started letting tokens rot and I'm cutting back on even trying to maintain my position. I've already finished all the missions, maxed my GH, and now I just feel like arena is trying to intentionally waste my time.

  5. They did nothing to effect the actual issues in arena. We have point deflation and account concentration as the main 2 issues and they did bupkis to fix either. The Arbiter mission changes are ok as a short term fix but they also indicate that Plarium has zero idea about why arena is broken which is concerning. They should quadruple the tiers above Gold with all the tiers having the same per-win bonus and the same global account bonus. The only difference should be better weekly rewards. That way 3/4 of the playerbase can farm arena in peace without all be concentrated in Gold 4. If they did that, then they wouldn't have had to make the Arbiter changes. They also need to stop resetting all the tiers. I think only plat should be reset but it should be open to anyone with the elo required. However, if they do need to reset the points in other tiers, they should actually have someone who understands the economics of a PvP system to determine what percentage of points needs to be reset. They don't get it. These "fixes" don't address the actual issues and are thus dead on arrival. All these changes do is cramp things even more in Gold 4.

  6. It's just insane. We are dropping further down every day. RAID fix it quickly before there is a mass exodus of the game where frustration causes more people to quit. I'll not spend a single dollar until its fixed period!

  7. I'm not holding my breath about those fixes they talked about. gold tier arena is so fucked right now same with plat. In the two years I've been playing I've never seen plat empty and I've never had to struggle to stay in G4, but now I can barely sit in G3 and the teams I keep getting in G4 are 350-400K teams that usually are in G5-Plat

    ALSO! I couldn't agree more about the PvP aspect, I've never been a PvP person so I would love to see them bring a different way to bring medals in instead of just doing PvP because not everyone likes PvP. I personally only enjoy PvE and hate doing PvP.

  8. @15:45 the biggest point is proven; there just so lazy at the day to day maintenance and quality of life features. obviously nobody is monitoring or keeping track of the actual game. i don’t believe they have anybody who actually plays the game as a pulse keeper so to speak; completely out of touch with their customers. only when things absolutely breakdown do they eventually notice then acknowledge an issue and then lazily make feeble attempt to fix them. THEY ARE MORE THEN HAPPY TO COUNT THE MONEY AND HAVE NO INTEGRITY WITH THE PRODUCT. IF THE REVENUE KEEPS COMING IN THEIR MORE THEN HAPPY TO NEVER EVEN LOOK AT THE GAME.

  9. I played Hero wars and there you got jewels from PvP.
    And The 3vs3 gave equal to Arena.
    As ftp arena was very hard, but in 3vs3 it was possible to get a nice amount of jewels.
    And there were daily rewards.

  10. I hate arena. I am 4 months in and avoid it only to do daily missions. The issue with the new mission "fixes" is that I still need to get my great hall to LVL 10 to get arbiter. That is 6 months work which I don't enjoy or want to invest time in. I guess I won't be getting arbiter any time soon.

  11. You talked about getting hooked on games. I played this game on and off for months and just couldn't get into it. I begged my wife to play so we could play the same game then I got hooked. I set goals and mini missions against my wife and it made the game so much more fun.

  12. Everything is becoming locked behind making people want to spend money rather than making people want to spend money because they enjoy the game. Also balancing champions that we never use instead of flooding the pool so we have to spend more shards to get a champion we actually want is terrible.

  13. Speaking of having a leaderboard…what about a leaderboard for each Arena rank? I mean, as a low spender, it's nice to see who the whales are and what teams they have…but at my level, it would be nice to see who the leaders are in my "wheelhouse." Say I get to a new PVP rank….who are the top players and what champs are they running with (offense and defense)? It might help people figure out what kind of teams may be more manageable at our level.

  14. The point loss isn't because of Win/Loss, but directly a cause of the reset. Each reset, every player loses points to drop them to the start of the tier below.

    This was resolved with bots by a manufactured injection of points due to 'fake' accounts every week. Without bots, there needs to be an equal number of new players joining arena to offset the loss due to the reset. This offset would need to be the number of points lost divided by 1000 as that's the starting points value for a new player in arena. That clearly isn't happening.

    The problem can be completely eliminated with the elimination of the reset every week and scrap points minimums on tiers and do player number limits. That's all that needs to change. Yes arena will still be difficult due to prevalence of stoneskin etc but thats a different isue.


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