Wishlist Hades II / Sign Up for the Playtest: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145350/Hades_II/
Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.
The Let’s Try series is a way to preview / review games in order to get my first impressions through the first moments of gameplay.
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#HadesII #Part6
Hey Reto, not sure if you noticed but you can see the recharge progress on Hephaestus boons on the left side of the screen. Although realistically looking over there during battle isnt smart.
"I hate everybody"
That is a WEIRD characterisation for Hestia, considering what she's a goddess of.
he has a prosthetic leg, might be a way of showing his deformity.
I second the idea to gift to the spidey gal or Dora as they're both chara's that'd look fun to hang out with along side skelly. Granted all characters have their charm so far
Reto dodging the undodgeable polymorph from Hecate is just more proof that he's built different
Can you please do an overview video of all the new content for people who don't have the time to watch all the runs?
Hearing Nemesis complain about standing guard has me wondering if she's going to be the change to the first area boss like how Meg had her sisters in the first game.
does anyone know what part of underworld this game takes place at? I thought it said Erebus, but It's still not clear to me where in the Hades games universe this would be. It kind of looks like a dark version of Elysium but the vibes are all off
Hephaestus is so hot in this game. Well, all the gods are made to look hot but he is going for a different demographic of hotness.
Why the wheelchair annnd the prosthetic ? One or the other would make more sense surely?
Yes more!😊
Bro, you got me excited, thought that this was coming out real soon!! Can’t wait til this comes out in 2025!
18:46 It’s soo cool that Hecate has a unique voiceline the first time you dodge that attack
Honestly, I don't mind seeing more of this even though you'll be forced to lose to Hecate, because the game has so many things to uncover already
This is just like the good old days! Eating brunch watching Reto play Hades. We’re just missing Cerberus, Zagreus & Skelly then the gang would all be here.
I didn't get acess to the test but I CAN'T WAAIT to try his boons! They look awesome and I know I'll end up loooooving them! AND I'M IN LOVE WITH HIS DESIGN OMG!!!!! It makes total sense he'd damage himself in a forge accident but be skilled enough to make himself a new leg!!!! he looks AWESOME!!!
Moon and sun so 2 heroes maybe?
can i ask how many weapon in this game:
This opinion might not mean anything but I don't like how they do Hestia here. It already felt off before, but having her say "I hate everybody" is like the nail in the coffin for me. That's not something she would ever say. Hestia is like the only undramatic god in this pantheon. She's the Goddess of the Hearth. She keeps homes warm and families together. That's why Hestia is bestia. Not here unfortunately.
Yo retro, thanks for making me aware of this game.
I really enjoyed the first game, but had no idea the second was already close to release.
I really enjoy your videos as I haven’t gotten access to the test myself yet.
I feel a little attacked… just because I'm on run 20, and I've only just got Hades to his second phase, doesn't mean I'm bad at the game… 😢
I'm loving the narrator interactions in this one! It really feels like Melinoë considers Homer a friend.
2:37 it has nothing to do with the attack speed of the weapon. it always activates on the first hit, and then theres 10 seconds where it cannot activate at all. and then on the next hit it always activates
Been looking forward to watching you play this! Can't wait to see another 100 episodes ðŸ¤
Nemesis is holding the aspect of nemesis sword from Hades 1
i think meg is faster then the headmistress making meg harder imo
Hephaestus is married to Aphrodite if that helps also he in some stories that he forges Zeus's lightening bolts
Skill says 10 seconds recharge.
Retro: "it doesnt seem to be happening often"