How Hades Fixes What I Hate About Roguelikes

I tried to avoid getting caught up in the Hades hype as roguelikes rarely keep my interest for long, but Hades does something I haven’t seen in any other roguelikes which makes it addicting!

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17 thoughts on “How Hades Fixes What I Hate About Roguelikes”

  1. Great review Jay, love this game! I've beaten Hades 4 times now, all with the spear. It's so addicting. I can stay away from it for days at a time, but once I pick it up, I just can't put it down, lol

  2. Fun fact, Zagreus is an actual Greek god, and one of Hades and Persephone's offspring, although he's known and worshipped during the pre-Hellenistic era, especially within the Orphic cults — who merged him with another god of the current pantheon, because they sort of share the same domain of rebirth and death. There's a veeery interesting take about that topic the further you play the game 😉

    While I might say that the artwork is what made me grab this game in the first place, the music is what really resonates with me, and the direction and writing are the ones that reshape the genre. But then again, every aspect of this game is a freaking champion. The dev team (though small) really unleashed their best guns and dedication in making this game. Great review!

  3. It's on sale at the moment for 17£ – bought it and am pretty impressed. Really enjoying it and has that one more game vibe about it, and it's pretty polished.

  4. I like your reviews but if you're going to talk about a game you have to be able to name the main character. A three second Google search will show that Zagreus does exist in greek mythology but we don't know anything about him just that he is the son of Hades

  5. Hades is definitely my favourite roguelike. Sounds like we both enjoyed the same things about it. I'd be really curious to hear about any other roguelikes that click with you in the future.

  6. even if i disliked Roguelites (which i luckily dont) purely the fact that its made by Supergiant Games was enough to get me to pay full-price for this game, everything they've made so far is just amazing.


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