No eyes were clawed in the making of this video.
Harp & voice cover of I Am Gonna Claw from the Hades II soundtrack, original music by Darren Korb.
#hadesii #hades2 #supergiantgames
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Weeehoooooooooo OKAY where to even start with this one? lol
Hades II came out last month, and I saw one of the songs from the OST pop up on my youtube and, yeah, with a title like “I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes then Drown You to Death)” I had to click on it and find out what was going on there!
Frankly, the song is a huge bop in the original style (and I’m not usually into rock/metal), and also, in my opinion, hilarious. The lyrics are sung from the perspective of a siren, so once you know that, the title and lyrics make sense. Maybe it’s just the bluntness of it that I find so funny, but the musical composition is so compelling too.
I posted it in Discord and joked about doing a harp lullaby version, but then the more I thought about it, the funnier that seemed to me. I mean, it’s fun enough as a rock song. But the dissonance between the lyrics and a sweet little harp lullaby version? I don’t know. If you find it as funny as I do, then you get me I guess! Lmao
I’ve really felt all kinds of ways about this cover throughout making it. I felt super giddy after recording the vocals and hearing it for the first time. Then while editing the audio I noticed all of the things in my vocal technique that I know my voice teacher would point out, hahaha. But honestly, a year ago I wouldn’t even have been able to hit the low F# and high F#, so I decided to take that win rather than slave over trying to retake any of the vocals and slow myself down. After filming I wasn’t sure if any of the footage would look good and then while editing I kept thinking, “Man, I sure am taking this joke cover really seriously” lmao
BUT I have no regrets, this was super fun and I hope you get a little laugh or smile out of it like I did. I think my husband is super glad I’m not singing about clawing people’s eyes out at the top of my lungs anymore, though.
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Leaving the like even before the video comes out 😅
That was brilliant thank you.
It would have been funny had a siren (of the ambulance type) suddenly started competing with this siren song.
This is awesome! Scylla definitely released this B-Side version after the original's success on the charts.
Wow! Wonderful vocals and, of course, great harp! A haunting cover ❤
This is so good
You should sing more frequently 😎👍
That was beautiful! I love your voice! I was looking forward to the part of the song that lists out the sea creatures, but even without that part, I can't help but keep replaying this!!
This is incredible. Great work.
Oh, WOW.
OMG She sings like an angel too! Kudos Sam, this is awesome. I reckon you should do James Bond Theme.
What an angelic voice, I bet you're a siren!
Thank you, Samantha! I found that weirdly uplifting! 😂
yes yes yes this is everything
Wow been a big fan of yours for awhile, crazy to see you do something thats been playing in my head for weeks now
Ah yes, this is such a great, unique take on a very heavy, loud song – the harp is perfect for this cover, and your singing is so beautiful, it might make Scylla herself jealous! Keep up the good work, my friend!
Just got here in the game last night! I get why this song is so important, it really came from a personal place.
Those singing lessons are really paying off. I love the dynamics.
Such a wonderful cover – I keep replaying it! You have a beautiful voice! And your harp playing is great as always
Wow! Great job! This sounds like a difficult melody to sing well (in tune), let alone with such great expression!
Of course the joke is that the lyrics are about clawing out your eyes and drowning you to death and, especially with this lullaby version, the vocals and harp are so beautiful the sailors fall for it anyway, haha. I feel like all your hard work on singing has definitely paid off! This cover is funny but still amazing!!!
Hey Samantha! Wow you have truly a beautiful voice! thanks for the great video!
What a unique take on this wild song! It's beautiful, and your voice is SO lovely!